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So worried

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  • Thanks felix ill bear that in mind


    • Has anyone else been watching that coppers programme on C4? Think it highlights what we all thought that they are bullies and enjoy pushing around people weeker than them. I would love to see one of them try it one on one with me. As i have done all the same public disorder courses they have and there is no place for bullies in my world.


      • Thats great to hear you have pulled yourself up a little and have a plan, wish my partner had got to this stage, think he is still in denial !!

        As for facebook our accuser came off the day she went to the police, photos went up over xmas on her friends of her partying and going away with a group of lads but day he was charged they where all removed !!! For someone who is supposidly telling the truth why do they hide away?? this may be in the papers for us and someone told me to come off facebook just in case i got any negative comments and my response was no way, i have nothing to hide and dont intend to crawl away.. He is innocent so why the hell should we change our lives because some rat wants to lie about us!!!



        • Precisely you hit the nail there we have nothing to hide. I think the only people you have to fear of reprisals are small minded and probably not who you want to associate with anyway.

          As for FB my accuser deleted hers the other day however i have been taking screen shots of everything she has put on there up untill now. Lots of stuff mainly rubbish but a few things about needing money and dating and stuff who knows what a good solicitior can do with that.

          If your partner wants to chat to another man in the same situation feel free to PM me and we can have a chat.

          In the mean time tell him if to fight if they get us down and destroy our lives before even going to court then they have already won.

          After 9/11 and the london bombings nobody just gave up we fought back. Think of all the lives lost on D-day but we didnt give up. Off subject a little i know but tell him to get some fire in his belly this is the fight of his life.


          • Well done Billy. It's great to hear your fighting spirit


            • Turns out my accuser has not deleted her facebook account just blocked me (interesting seen as though she said she didnt know me and couldnt describe me, even though we spent hours together and exchanged phone numbers) however she hasnt blocked my brother so i can still view all her stuff via him! Dont know what to make of this.

              A friend of mine was saying why dont you phone the police and say something like, someone has made a false allegation of rape against me? Or she exposed herself to me in a public place (as she did) what would happpen. Take it down to her level.

              Any thoughts?


              • Then yesterday she has unblocked me again on facebook. All seems a bit odd bahaviour to me!


                • be careful Billy - she may try to feed you duff stuff.
                  And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                  • Yeah i thought that i will just monitor, take phots and pass on to solicitor.


                    • You should be careful even watching her profile. Facebook have option which is saying who visited your profile!


                      • Yeah but just watching isnt breaking any rules though is it?


                        • Yeah. But you never know how they will use this ''if''
                          They can always say that you are obsessed with her ect. This world is crazy :-/

                          Or Im just getting paranoid


                          • I didn't know facebook had that facility. Do you know where I can find it? I have been using it for monitoring purposes too.


                            • I will check this in the minute


                              • It looks like Im paranoid

                                This app was a scam
                                So it looks like it isn't possible to see who was watching your profile.

