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accused of rape

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  • #61
    Thank you so much for taking the time to post Amre,

    That has helped somewhat. As I've said, I'm trying to get as much information as possible at the moment so that I can try to understand my situation. I'm rather naive / uneducated in this matter so thank you again for the insight.

    It's still difficult to comprehend and fit all the pieces together though!!

    I guess for nearly all people on here who are in a similar situation it's constantly in your thoughts and it is difficult to block it out!

    Managing to keep fairly positive though!

    Hope your husband got his money's worth out of the laptop!!!


    • #62
      Originally posted by Amre View Post
      I'm bi-polar so hopefully i can shed some light on it for you.

      What you describe can happen, she may well of been experiencing a the manic side of manic depression. However full blown manic is rare, rarer still is to have an episode while being medicated properly. Most manic depressants will have only 2 or three manic episodes in their entire life time. Of course it varies and there are different types of bi-polar. If this woman was in the grasp of a full blown mania, you would defiantly know.

      In my case Ive only ever had two manic episodes in my life (I've had a few mild ones too). I was being medicated at the time and i couldn't sleep for 3 days and i basically lost my mind. I left my sisters house in my bare feet and i'm told i ran quite a few miles. I had no idea who are where i was. I just kept running, then i thought id murdered someone and ran further, then i thought i was time traveling and the whole world was out to get me. I was screaming, shouting, ranting and raving at thin air. I was rightful hospitalized (once they caught me!) I was in hospital for 3 weeks before i even new who i was.
      This is an example of what mania does to people. Once my meds kicked in i was ok, and hopefully its my first and last one!

      In terms of drinking on bi-polar meds i don't know how that would affect her, but id hazard a guess and say very badly. I wont drink, at all, ever and without exception and im irish!. Most people wont drink if even there is a remote chance the drink could trigger mania.
      Mild mania is very different, and I think that is more likely. People will basically do really stupid stuff experience this form. They can cheat on there spouses, steal, break into epic monologs and will basically look like there on drugs. The can also spend a lot of money very carelessly (just ask my husband about the time i used HIS money to buy a 4 thou Apple mac laptop, and didn't remember about it until it arrived)
      That was really courageous of you to post that Amre and well done for that. It helps to show that many things can be imagined/wrongly perceived in certain situations.

      This is most helpful.
      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

      PAFAA details ~


      • #63
        Unfortunately he didn't appreciate the laptop fiasco at all! We couldn't even return it as id ordered it custom built with a solid state hard drive :S. Hes not very tech savvy at all, if the on button doesn't work he starts to moult.
        I used to remotely access his laptop with my ipad, play solitaire on his screen, sit back and enjoy the look of pure terror on his face! Ah good times! and I wonder why we are divorcing...

        If i take my meds, eat well and exercise i will be fine and that will totally manage my bi-polar. But like RF said it does show many things can be imagined/wrongly perceived in certain situation. I believed with total certainty that i was time-hoping. The doctor told me after that I didn't know if it was Easter Monday or Sheffield Wednesday. I literally believed that I was having some sort of quantum leap and my next leap would hopefully be my leap home.

        So she may well be certain that it wasn't consensual, unfortunately she may not be even live on the same planet as you. It may well be that this woman needs a doctor, not a jury.
        Laugh at your problems, everybody else does. The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on the list.


        • #64
          Thank you so much again, Amre. That has given me a real insight into this.

          Still trying to understand things, but building up a picture of what happened in my head and perhaps the reasons for it!

          You've planted a mental picture of a moulting husband sitting in front of an apparently 'malfunctioning' laptop which causes me no end of amusement - thank you. I needed that!



          • #65
            Hi, was just checking back to see if there had been any progress for you. Nice to see u have been given some good support to help u try make sense of ur situation and that u are mainly keeping positive!!

            Had to laugh at that laptop story too, Amre, esp as I usually find myself coming to the rescue of various computer problems!


            • #66
              Wasn't expecting that so soon!!

              Just got a call from my arresting officer to say that the case had been NFA'd.
              This is one month and one day since being arrested.

              As with most people who go throught this terrifying ordeal - I am left with a million questions, most of which I am sure will remain unanswered for the rest of my life.

              How do we now try to rebuild our life and move on?
              How do I get ME back?

              I would like to thank all people who have taken the time to reply to my ramblings - your help, advice, support and positivity have been invaluable and is what has helped me through this.

              My heart now goes out to others who are still going through this. Try to stay strong.


              • #67
                So pleased to hear that sickasaparrot!

                From reading around it seems it make take a while for this to 'sink in' as such so just wanted to say that I hope u take as much time as you need to come to terms with what has happened.*

                Thankfully time is a great healer, with that and the support of your family and friends you'll hopefully start feeling more like yourself soon

                I'm sure others wil be on to give u some better advice too!

                Here's hoping those amongst us in similar situations will have it resolved quickly too!


                • #68
                  That's brilliant news Sickasaparrot - just remember that you'll still have dark days - but go with it.
                  And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by sickasaparrot View Post
                    Just got a call from my arresting officer to say that the case had been NFA'd.
                    This is one month and one day since being arrested.

                    As with most people who go throught this terrifying ordeal - I am left with a million questions, most of which I am sure will remain unanswered for the rest of my life.

                    How do we now try to rebuild our life and move on?
                    How do I get ME back?

                    I would like to thank all people who have taken the time to reply to my ramblings - your help, advice, support and positivity have been invaluable and is what has helped me through this.

                    My heart now goes out to others who are still going through this. Try to stay strong.

                    Expect a huge roller coaster of emotions. Elation; sadness; anger; grief; depression; is all perfectly NORMAL
                    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                    PAFAA details ~


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Rights Fighter View Post
                      All this may of course be immaterial as you could still be NFA'd.
                      Was this a premonition RF?

                      Wow! You truly are a godess!

                      Did you know something I didn't?



                      • #71

                        I am soooo pleased for you, it gives us all hope that the right thing can be done. I was hoping for a responce but the CPS have passed it back to the police to interview more people.

                        Take care and try not to let this terible ordeal change who you are.


                        • #72
                          Great news, Sickasaparrot. As others have said, it might t ake some time to get back to "normal" whatever that is. Thanks for letting us know your happy outcome.


                          • #73
                            Genuinely delighted to read this! A kaleidoscope of emotions are en route, I'd say it was like the 7 stages of grief, its so common that there would be something wrong if you did experience it.
                            Absolutely delighted!
                            Laugh at your problems, everybody else does. The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on the list.


                            • #74
                              Let's be really clear on this...

                              Originally posted by sickasaparrot View Post
                              Was this a premonition RF?

                              Wow! You truly are a godess!

                              Did you know something I didn't?

                              Most of these ridiculous allegations are built on nefarious intentions. NFA'd is just the last boot they can put in because they can't string you up. Why not get a default setting of innocent? Good luck for the future.
                              Police and subsequently the CPS "take every piece of evidence and try to extract the most negative connotations for their presentations in court". It's their job to help Judges fill those jails.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by IvorBinWronged View Post
                                Most of these ridiculous allegations are built on nefarious intentions. NFA'd is just the last boot they can put in because they can't string you up. Why not get a default setting of innocent? Good luck for the future.
                                There cannot be a default setting of "innocent" because too many will be guilty of the offence alleged.
                                People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                                PAFAA details ~

