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false accusation advice wanted

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  • #61
    just thought id check in and say hello to everyone and thanks to all those who helped me when i needed it


    • #62
      Hi Inshock its gd 2 read your message and hope your ok? Kermit has moved Hotels he is no longer in Dorchester but was moved to the IOW Albany yesterday to the VP unit, for the time being until the system see fit to move him back, the governor got Kermit 2 put in a request not 2 go so far from home as im disabled and difficult 4 me 2 visit, but it has gone ahead with a new request 2 return put in yesterday.
      Hope every1 is doing ok? Any 1 going through the court systemn please never give up hope even when the police try putting you down stand up and hold your head high!
      take care all Kermits fiancee xxx


      • #63
        Kermit's Fiancee
        please can you PM me Kermits new "Hotel" address and his prisoner number. I have been meaning to write to him for a couple of weeks but circumstances have conspired against me and I have failed miserably!
        How are you feeling now he has been moved? Sometimes it's scary for a prisoner to be moved....they have just got used to everything and then the rug is whipped out frmo under their can be hard too for those on the "outside" like you, because you know nothing about what is going on. Is he still reasonably close to home?
        Thinking of you xx


        • #64
          You can email inmates at HMP Albany using this group

          You'll need to register first if you have not already done so.

          Albany is not a "bad" prison in that they are all there basically for the same thing and it is a lot quieter than many mainstream prisons.

          I've done loads of legal visits there and go via Southampton and Redjet then bus the other end alhtough I appreciate that being disabled that may well present a problem.

          The visitors centre is run by volunteers and they are very welcoming and you can get a hot snack (cheese/beans on toast), sandwiches etc.

          You will need to go with plenty of change as in the inmate's visits area, at the moment it's just drinks and choccie/crisps machines.

          The visiting room is upstairs but I have seen wheelchair users there so there must be a lift - you might have to notify the prison prior to your visit so they can arrange for an escort for you as the lift is not in the public areas.
          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

          PAFAA details ~


          • #65
            The move to Kermits new Hotel has been a great strain on us all, I have been in touch with Assisted visits and got all that in order, because of being disabled in a chair i have to have someone with me and they have been great helping me understand the claim system, which has been a huge relief.
            I dont no how the travel time is going to be on my health but have spoken to my doctor and we are working to make sure i can travel without being doped up for the visit.
            Another guy is with Kermit from his last hotel and they are helping each other adjust.
            The single cell is an issue but the officers have been really good and understand Kermits Phobia, hopefully he will adjust better ( until new appeal he has no choice ) but it is a comfort.
            Kermit is really happy he can wear his own boxer shorts again and socks, he is having to learn the new rules after his previous hotel rules, he is on medication for depression but adjusting as best as he can.
            Safron will pm you the new hotel details and Kermits number thank you for writting to him he really appreciates news of any kind, your postcard made him smile.
            I have booked a visit and am lucky that the guy that went to kermits new hotel with him , his wife is alone too so is going to come with me on the same visit dates for company when our family and friends cant because of family commitments.
            Our daughter is coping better and doing her exams and looks forward to seeing her dad when she is 16 and i am coping better some days still a struggle but less and less. I cant thank you all enough.x


            • #66
              Thanks for that info it is totally different to what we have been use to and hot food after the travel to visit will definately go down well.
              Thank you so much for advice on travel i have sorted that now and have adjusted hotel info on emailaprisoner.
              hope your ok as well thank you again x
              Last edited by Kermit; 23 June 2011, 08:36 PM. Reason: forgot to add RF


              • #67
                Hi Kermit's Fiancee
                Thanks for the PM, I have got the address now. It's good that K has some support, and that you have a travel buddy too.
                Take care x


                • #68
                  I dont no how the travel time is going to be on my health but have spoken to my doctor and we are working to make sure i can travel without being doped up for the visit.
                  Take your prescription and tablets to show the officers searching and explain on the phone when you book the visits that you are on strong medication. If the drug dogs pick that up and you have not informed them and you do not have the written prescription to show them, you may end up with a closed visit, or no visit at all.
                  People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                  PAFAA details ~


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Rights Fighter View Post
                    Take your prescription and tablets to show the officers searching and explain on the phone when you book the visits that you are on strong medication. If the drug dogs pick that up and you have not informed them and you do not have the written prescription to show them, you may end up with a closed visit, or no visit at all.
                    Thanks RF i will give them a call on monday, I was told my inhalers were fine and my oramorph if needed was ok at the last hotel, they just checked the oramorph tube was sealed every visit, but different hotel different rules.
                    I did tell them when i called to book the visit, I was in a wheelchair and needed assistance to visiting room, the officers at Dorchester gave me information on disabled visiting.
                    We have found out already Kermit is not allowed to write letters to me, his sister my parents ect and send them all in one envelope as he did in his last hotel.
                    Thank you so much for the support whilst we go through our nightmare x tc


                    • #70
                      It's mainly pain killers and antidepressant medication I was thinking of.

                      Why can't Kermit write to you? It's not as though he is writing to your daughter - once he is settled he can make an application to a senior Governor as you (and he) have a "Right to a Family Life" (Article 8) although they do tend to interpret it rather differently.....

                      Have they stopped him ringing you?
                      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                      PAFAA details ~


                      • #71
                        Kermit called today and has had it confirmed that the rules are different to what he has been use to for the last 7mths.
                        All letters must go direct to the recipient and not sent to 1 address to save postage and then given to who ever the letter is intended.
                        In kermits case his family my family friends ect all live close to each other, so now he must write and send in seperate envelopes, to individual addresses.
                        He does send letters to our daughter and she writes to him, and speaks on the phone when he calls home and we have been told that is still ok and will not change just the way letters get sent out.
                        He is not allowed to call anyone under 18 direct it must be only with another adult present and that adult takes the initial call. Same as last "hotel"
                        So more stamps more cost just so he stays sane but at least we can send him stamps and writting pads direct unlike his last "hotel" .


                        • #72
                          You could try saving the other way - get everyone to put their letters into one envelope and send them to him all at the same time. Try it once (without including money/stamps etc) and see what happens.

                          If Kermit likes gardening I know there is a garden that inmate can tend to as one of "my guys" used to do the garden when he was there. The prison chaplain can be really helpful and if he can volunteer to help out in there that will get him out of his cell a few hours a week.

                          The visitors centre is brilliant as I said before and you book in there as well. If you tell the volunteers that this is your first visit there they will be able to tell you what to expect etc. There is a ramp to the visitors centre (where you book in) and when you go into the prison itself. From there I think you are taken in another way due to being in a chair.
                          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                          PAFAA details ~


                          • #73
                            i no it might not be much help ... but reading what you have put on behalf of kermit , i would be more than willin to share my experiences and just be someone to listen if it would help


                            • #74
                              Finally, a decision!

                              sorry for the total lack of contact. it reached the point where i couldn't even bare thinking about it- without a doubt the worst 3 months of my life.
                              Well a decision has finally been made... NFA'd!

                              i got a rather long apology from the investigating officer for it taking so long, and for what they put me through- they only had to interview two of my countless witnesses to realize it was all complete ****, problem is "with all the monetary cuts they just didn't have the resources to investigate it any sooner" i guess the hour of work it took was just too much for them to handle in the 3 months they kept rebailing me!!!

                              Well at least its all over, i will always have the arrest on record even though they know she was talking complete ******** - British legal system at its finest!- but hey i suppose 'silver lining' n all that.
                              to anyone else in a similar situation... chin up, it'll probably feel like it's the end of your world but hey sometimes that crappy legal system does work.

                              Time to get some semblance of a life back- i did have a wicked night the night out after if found out it was over- never felt so free before!!!

                              Anyway thank you to the guys running this site and to those commenting on the posts. Even though i had the support from my friends, i really did feel on my own after it happened. This site helped me feel that little bit better

                              As i said if it's happened to you, don't think of it as the end. you can understand that it is a slow process because it deals with something so serious... its not the fault of the police that sometimes in life you just happen to meet people who are both morally inept and nutty as squirrel poo.


                              • #75
                                Good news! It's such a shame that the wheels do grind so slowly though, most of the time it puts the most unimaginable pain on an innocent person, you just can't envisage it ending up ok at the time. Feeling like you're on another planet.
                                Hope you're able to dust off the debris that needs to be left behind now xxx

