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false accusation advice wanted

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  • #46

    hi everyone would just like to say finally got my letter today for cancellation of police bail and that no further action is going to be taken against me, feel much happier now i have it in writing..verity mentioned something regarding lookin at the bottom of the letter as to whether i am still held responseable there was nothing i could see that stood out just nfa would appreciate if there is any extra advice regarding that?


    • #47
      My letter did not say NFA but in fact said that a decision not to proceed had been taken. I am confused and even on a police forum have had contracictory advice as to what it all means - apparently different forces use different language. Mine was part of the Met. Anyone got any clues???


      • #48
        does anyone have any further advice in regard to the letter i recived and what action i now need to take in order to get a no crime? thanks


        • #49
          Sorry no advice I can give on that as I'm still bailed awaiting news, but just wanted to say how pleased I am for you. Hope I get the same result in 12 days time ( or sooner!) mark.


          • #50
            NFA's, are they quite what they seem?

            Hi Inshock,
            Many of these forms seem to be deliberately ambiguous.
            Can you ask your solicitor what the difference is, if any.
            I'm glad to hear that the sentence: hold you responsible for the offence is not on the form.
            The implication being; "we haven't got enough evidence to charge you but that is not to say we won't get some at some point".
            False accusers have been known to make new allegations after being informed that the case is not progressing further, which due to Home Office policy and directives to police forces the police have to investigate no matter how implausable, outrageous, tenuous or clearly false and depending on the moral rectitude of the OIC. (It is a bit of a lottery).

            Some chaps have mentioned that this was on their form.
            Also written was that if any new evidence came to light in the future that the case could be re-opened.

            Sadly but realistically an NFA is not the end of it but the start of a new fight to get the matter closed for good. It also seems solicitors are not very interested in sorting this out to give closure and security to their client as they are not paid for it on legal aid.
            Legal aid stops from the moment the 'client' is spat out of the system.

            I feel awful writing this and wish this was not the situation for those NFA'd.
            One thing I learnt PDQ was, to be forewarned is to be forearmed.
            This situation is unjust and beyond wrong but until the abcess of false allegations bursts as I hope to God it will and this terrible wrong is put right, NFA's are a handy way for the police and ultimately the State to keep control of people by fear.

            Please folks feel free to disagree, but this is the concensus I have found after two years of being accepted into the falsely accused community through my support and work with my hubby's false allegation.

            I have finally come to the realization of Rights Fighters philosophy to say it as it is, which I couldn't see whilst in the eye of the maelstrom hubby an I went through.

            So I will take this opportunity to apologise profusely to RF for the spats I had with her during the 'process' and can now see the wisdom of her words gained over years of listening to the experiences of so many victims falsely accused and going through their case papers doing what those in the judiciary should have done in the first place.

            Soz RF


            • #51
              Originally posted by Verity View Post
              I have finally come to the realization of Rights Fighters philosophy to say it as it is, which I couldn't see whilst in the eye of the maelstrom hubby an I went through.

              So I will take this opportunity to apologise profusely to RF for the spats I had with her during the 'process' and can now see the wisdom of her words gained over years of listening to the experiences of so many victims falsely accused and going through their case papers doing what those in the judiciary should have done in the first place.

              Soz RF
              Thank you. It's very rare that people will apologise in these circumstances and this just goes to show that you are indeed a thoroughly decent / honest person. I am really pleased to accept your apology very gratefully. I had a little sniffle reading that
              People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

              PAFAA details ~


              • #52


                • #53
                  the presumption that everything would return to normal has been severely put to rest, in that i still continue to experience horrible thoughts and memories relating too the last few months, the fact that i have been cleared of any wrong doing i thought may allow me to move on from this experience but far from that it seems to raise more questions... in terms of how from a legal standing a accusation with no back bone can even lead to such actions as arrest and presumption, secondly even following a nfa how no further information is relased in relation to why the accusation was made in the first place the reasons which proved innocence beyond doubt and what action if any would be taken against the false complainent. i have feelings of severe frusation and am hoping that the many people who use this forum would be able to offer me some guidance/ádvice


                  • #54
                    Hi Inshock

                    What you are feeling is entirely normal. After a while it will be replaced by rage, and then later still by resignation. I am glad you have come back to us and hope we can help.


                    • #55
                      I know it's not the same thing, but back at the begining of the year I had to attend an Interview under caution at the local council. They had messed my housing benefit claim up 2 years ago, but it only came to light this year & I subsequently only knew about it the begining of this year during a review. I had to pay them back 1600 pounds. That was before the IUC. After a few weeks of the IUC I recieved a letter saying no further action was being taken.
                      But it scared me so much that I cancelled my claim & wont claim ever again.
                      I am entitled to, even though I work part time, but I have no idea how much I would get now because without going into details the review & the updated benefit award letter was STILL worked out wrong would you believe! I had found an online benefit calculator by then on a benefits forum & lets just say they had me down for a benefit that I hadn't been getting for 5 years & hadn't even stated I was getting on my newer claim form 2 years ago!
                      I upped my hours by 4 a week last month. And I m managing to budget & pay my own rent. But even the 4 extra hours would still entitle me to maybe 30-40 pounds a week housing benefit. But I have lost trust & still wonder if they will come back to me in the future & decide to prosecute. Not sure that will ever go away.
                      I know it's not the same thing, but once you have had the first few minutes of being chuffed that they say they're not taking it any further, you then realise they can kick off again about any little thing & in your case anyone could say about anything in the past & fabricate it.
                      Once bitten twice shy sorta thing x


                      • #56

                        You will need that extra help - please, do go to CAB and talk to their Benefits Advisor. They will get it cleared up for you and make sure you get exactly what you are entitled to.
                        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                        PAFAA details ~


                        • #57
                          Nah will never claim from them again if I can help it. I have worked out my finances & make sure I only spend a certain amount each week, 3 months later so far so good.
                          I just dont trust them. During the interview I said to the investigating officer that I wonder if they dragged someone in off the street to work out my claim & she smiled. Once the tape stopped running she said she couldn't say it on tape but yes she agreed.
                          I took my dad that day & he said basically they know they messed up, they just wanted to make sure you didn't realise that & take advantage of it.
                          But the horror stories I have heard since then about the hassle people have been through too, I am so glad I cancelled my claim.
                          When you are told you may have commited a crime out the blue, & didn't see it coming, it's frightening. And because you dont see it coming you're more aware that it can happen at anytime to anyone & I guess avoid situations that make it more likely to happen again.


                          • #58
                            Sia - check

                            sometime ago now i arranged to go on course in order to obtain a SIA license , i had completely forgotten about this until i recived the letter with the course dates on yesterday. I have a position of employment ready for me providing i complete the course and recive my badge. I am in two minds as whether or not to even attend the course now as from what i have read the arrest will show up on my criminal check and with it being so recent i would not be approved to get the license .. was hoping someone who has a little experience with these types of things would be able to offer and advice thanks


                            • #59
                              If you were NFAd then the arrest will only show on an Enhanced CRB check. It shouldn't be on a standard CRB check.
                              Hope that helps!


                              • #60
                                I used to review Enhanced CRBs as a Governer of an FE College - we had 14 year olds up to 80 year olds as pupils. Yes, things do crop up - and some things come up one review and not the next. The finance director had an NFA on an allegation of viloence when he was 18. That came up each year. He is now 37. Not a reason for not continuing his employment.

                                I would not worry. I also would not lie. If asked a question in an interview or on an application form, ask them in person or over the phone if they really need to know about an arrest and nfa - if they say no, put down that they said an arrest and an nfa did not need to be declared. You don't have to show the emotive "rape" word anywhere in that case.

                                Basically the more open you are (you have nothing really to hide) in an official process which is formally confidential the better. Anywhere it can leak, they can't ask you anything.

                                Always ask questions about questions rather than lying or answering them too fully.

                                This after all primarily about box ticking....

