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  • #16
    Yes, it's his wife i don't know why I always guessed she was american lol. They just live there they are from the South of England. She had quite a rough childhood too, it's a really really inspiring book! x
    Who you become while you are waiting is as important as what you are waiting for -Nicky Gumble


    • #17
      I love Praise you in this storm by Casting Crowns because of the line ' I will raise my hands because you are who you are, no matter where I am' if it wasn't for worship music I may have gone insane by now.
      Who you become while you are waiting is as important as what you are waiting for -Nicky Gumble


      • #18
        With you on that Lilyput. UCB radio was a lifeline to me, and there are a number of Christian songs I used to listen to over and over again in the really dark times.


        • #19
          This one is fab! The Voice of Hope by Lara Martin

          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

          PAFAA details ~


          • #20
            Thankyou for that Itsnotallbad - he's doing OK under the circumstances - he took a nose-dive when first bail-end time came and was renewed for another 2 months - I'd tried to prepare him for this without bringing him down; so I'm not looking forward to that. I think he appreciates someone else to talk to that's not me. Sadly I'm a Mum who is not good at motivation even for myself - just try to keep everything 'normal'. It's really nice to hear you got past your false accusation; I'm looking forward to the same result in the not too distant....x


            • #21
              Hi Carrot tops!It's good to slow down and write down possible thoughts about a current scenario - and then choose the most common-sense or the one a friend might select for you. That way - you're kinder to yourself and slow down the whole panic process. I had a lot of CBT when I had very bad post-natal-depression; it doesn't protect me from feeling bad, but when I start to feel out of control, it quickly brings back some equilibrium. It's hard work though - and it took me a long time to truly challenge my automatic thought responses.


              • #22
                Currently reading 'Mindfulness for the frazzled' by Ruby Wax; love her or hate her - she writes from the heart, shows real humanity, is self-deprecating - but such sense! And funny! I think it's a book that will change how I think - maybe this is a good time for that. Do try if you've not got a strong faith - it's something to hold on to!


                • #23
                  Sad to hear about your son.

                  A false accusation is indeed completely and utterly shocking to the mind and the body. The feeling of having no control of your own destiny after having your life up turned is horrendous.

                  In my case I won't lie, I hit the bottle daily for a while - couldn't eat, chain smoked, lost a tonne of weight. Sleep was a release but as soon as I woke up the horror started all over again.

                  Then after living like that for a while I went to my doctor who prescribed me some anti-anxiety medication. I didn't go as far as anti-depressants, but that at least took off the edge a lot and stopped me drinking every day.

                  Not sure if you want your son on the pills, and unsure if a doctor would prescribe something like that to a younger person but they helped a lot! The doctor was incredibly impartial and non-judgemental too.


                  • #24
                    I was diagnosed with PTSD last year after being falsely accused. It's took me nearly 9 months to recover following the NFA outcome. I still suffer from broken sleep patterns but my anxiety levels and depression are much better. It's a horrible situation to be under and really does take its toll on your mind and body.


                    • #25
                      Thanks for that TotalNightmare and SlowDown - I don't like to hear that you suffered in a similar way - but it at least makes us feel less on a limb. My son has been given anti-anxiety and sleeping pills - he goes through phases. PTSD caused by this system where any lad can be accused of anything and have to live with it for months/years - what can be done?

