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Son accused

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  • #16
    just doing things when Im in a state and cant think straight


    • #17
      No need to apologise. I think you were taking note from a previous members post.

      Hold on in there!
      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

      PAFAA details ~


      • #18
        I will do my best got my dolls to play with ( er therapy as recovering agorpahobic! ) lol


        • #19
          Shah- I've been following your posts and my heart bleeds for you.
          Like you, we had faith that truth and common sense would prevail- it didn't. Like you I wish I'd found this forum pre-trial but we didn't and until we did we thought we were the only ones to experience this.

          Have they mentioned any grounds for appeal? We're 10 months post trial and recently information has come to light that MAY have some bearing on my OH's case.

          Just never ever give up although sometimes I've felt that it would be easier for me to walk away. But it's not an option.
          They tried to bury us- they didn't know we were seeds


          • #20
            This is terrible and I send out my deepest wishes and most positive thoughts to you Shah.

            Did you have legal aid or a private solicitor?


            • #21
              Hi AmandaF

              Thank you.

              So sorry to *Meet* in these circumstances
              Good luck with your situation.
              It was you that put *Your grieving but nobody died?* thats what I tell everyone. I went as far as wearing
              a black armband at work, think I made it too small though lol that hit the nail on the head though those words.

              It blows out of the water all you think is true and safe and honest in this country now I dont feel safe anymore.

              Just glad there is this board for support which that grieves me as its like we have to be *underground* though
              our loved one has not done anything wrong and has been or is going to be ripped from us and we cant do anything
              about it.


              • #22
                Originally posted by SalvationNeeded123 View Post
                This is terrible and I send out my deepest wishes and most positive thoughts to you Shah.

                Did you have legal aid or a private solicitor?
                It was legal aid some company my son checked on line.
                Thank you


                • #23

                  So sorry to hear your situation. We are 8months post trial and sentencing for my husband. He was completely stitched up too. One word against the other no evidence at all. This forum has been my rock I have been through a bit of a bad spell the last few weeks but am slowly getting back up again. As I have always said she may have done this but me and my husband are stronger than ever and no matter if he has to stay in for his full sentence 13 years or if our appeal is successful then she hasn't broken us. I will stand by my man like everyone else on here we know them better than anyone. I don't care what other people think I know my husband. If I thought my daughter was telling the truth I would have stood by her but I know she totally lied for money. It's cost us nearly £16k so far but I'll do anything to get my man back. I'm a firm believer of what goes around comes around.
                  You are not alone. This forum is like a family. Stay strong. Sorry to but into the thread but I had to get that off my chest.
                  I also had a small bit of good news regarding appeal so fingers and toes and anything else crossed.


                  • #24
                    You are so right what keeps me going at the moment is knowing my son has done nothing wrong because what they have found him guilty of is not in his nature and we are better than this ( so far *wink*).

                    I am so sorry, and please dont worry about butting in either. I came on here as I/we felt really alone I am so thankful for responses !.
                    13 years? OMG how does this happen? money wise we dont have any except for our home. I cannot even begin to imagine that heartache I really hope you get good news.

                    Dont these people have any concious? ( sp? ) I totally belive in what goes around comes around.

                    Stay strong and good luck xx


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Shah View Post

                      My son has been falsly accused on *** counts, the police ( bunch of jokers ) tried on attempted rape ( no evidence, there is no evidence full stop )
                      He will be getting sentenced on the 23rd of december court case absolute joke second week jury decided on the first day he was guilty they were not interested.

                      This all started last year. Basically my son was living with his GF in a flat where he was like a big brother to the little sister, she only visited the place 5 times
                      I think he said.. He cheated on the ex so he then left. Now before all this my son had always said that the mother was a bit anti male, three kids two different
                      fathers lives on benefits. I never met her. My son is addament that the mother can make the younger sister do what she wants and she is very clever and that his ex girlfriend is terrified
                      of her. I well believe this. In the GF statements she does not believe these incidents happened either and she was there at the time!.
                      So come december last year thats when it all started * counts of him making her do things to him. Now the flat this happened in has thin walls and the girlfriend was there at the time
                      of these so called *incidents*
                      When the so called *victim * did her video she took into the room with her notes and half way through went out and saw her mother. Now if somebody makes you do something or tries to make you
                      do things you know dont seem right you dont forget it EVER you dont need notes to remind you what to say !

                      I sit here now and I know how wrong this all is. My son used to look after a girl younger than hisself and she would stay in the same room as him and she has backed him up, admittedly by
                      a written statement that he is not like that. He walked this girl home one night so she was safe and got bottled thats the type of person he is
                      Its the fact she had notes with her NO dates NO evidence inconsitencies at court edited out parts of the video, the parts that might have helped my son. Other stuff as well but I am so befuddled
                      by all of it and the fact that Justice has not been served.
                      This makes a mockery out of the system. I DO NOT and never will trust the police or the courts this is proof that they are all just after money they dont care what lives get destroyed

                      So much stuff which is so wrong.

                      Lets just say that I do not see myself leaving this as it is this was done out of pure revenge.

                      I had planned to cover myself in petrol at the police station and threaten to light myself up because off the fact my son is a kindhearted soul with a lovely personality not capable of doing this I bought him up to be honest and caring we have been together for over 30 years we all work and pay our taxes. I really do not want to take this lying down he is entirely innocent of any wrong doing my friends his friends and my family are totally horrified they do not belive it for one minute because they know its not in his nature. He will always mantain his innocence as will we. The judge did say he behaved impeccably why wouldnt he!
                      Court case -joke- police- joke make it up as they go along.

                      A very heartbroken mother ( I did delete the words I would like to leave!! )
                      First your son needs to make a complaint against his barrister (Bar Standard Board) and solicitor (solicitors regulation authority) to do this you need the case files. Get them sent to your address. When you have these get back in touch with me and I will tell you what to look for (don't tell them you are going to make a complaint nice..) My email address is


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by rights fighter View Post
                        the "statistic" may well have come from an ex member who was booted off here a few years back. She used to make it up as she went along, and in the process scared people with her false "facts".

                        Best not to repeat what other people say unless there is an official source for it.
                        FOR GOD SAKE do not approach chris saltrese for help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                        Last edited by James Colton; 30 November 2015, 11:27 PM.


                        • #27
                          Why do you say that? What on earth happened?
                          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                          PAFAA details ~


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by James Colton View Post
                            First your son needs to make a complaint against his barrister (Bar Standard Board) and solicitor (solicitors regulation authority) to do this you need the case files. Get them sent to your address. When you have these get back in touch with me and I will tell you what to look for (don't tell them you are going to make a complaint nice..) My email address is

                            To make a complaint against a solicitor you first have to exhaust their own complaints procedures. The next step after that is the Legal Ombudsman.

                            You have to give the solicitors notice that you intend to make a complaint. You then ask for the "complaints forms" and procedure for that firm.

                            If you do not get satisfaction you then contact the legal ombudsman - you can do this online.


                            They will then refer the complaint to the BSB (Bar Standards Board). If you try to short cut it, you are more likely to fail.
                            People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                            PAFAA details ~


                            • #29
                              The derogatory post about Chris Saltrese was most definitely nothing to do with the www site. James

                              Originally posted by Rights Fighter View Post
                              Why do you say that? What on earth happened?
                              The derogatory post about Chris Saltrese was most definitely nothing to do with the www site.


                              • #30
                                Thanks James. I thought it was you (as in the website) but very pleased to be proved wrong!

                                Thank you also for your message via Facebook

                                Sorry Helga - I've no idea what you mean?? Can you send me the link?

                                I've been referring several contacts to Chris over the last week. None of them have had anything but positive reports.

                                Very much appreciated.
                                People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                                PAFAA details ~

