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Can the police really play these games?

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  • #46
    Most definitely worth contacting your solicitor in the run up to the bail date. Your solicitor can contact the police and see what their intentions are. They will phrase it as, 'my client needs to know whether she requires legal representation on her bail date'

    The police SHOULD (but not always, unfortunately) give some sort of indication as to what is going to happen on the day.

    Depends how close the bail date is. When is it again?
    "Be sure your sin will find you out"

    Numbers 32:23


    • #47
      It's the second week in July. At what point do you think the solicitor should call? I've been stewing for 3 months now, I know that's not half as long as other people but I'm sincerely fed up :-(


      • #48
        Oh in that case I am afraid that it would still be much too soon to get in touch.
        It really needs to be in that last week.

        I know that's not the answer you're looking for. Your solicitor could get in touch to find out if the file has at least been sent to the CPS.
        "Be sure your sin will find you out"

        Numbers 32:23


        • #49
          Part of me feels like no news is good news, that I've not been re-questioned so they must know it's all a pile of rubbish. the other part feels like the bail date is dooms day. That they've manage to potter together enough **** to implicate me somehow and they're just storing it up until July.


          • #50
            They can charge you at any time...if they had stored up enough, they may not necessarily wait until your bail date...
            "Be sure your sin will find you out"

            Numbers 32:23


            • #51
              It sounds so stupid, I actually have to keep reminding myself I haven't done it. But the paranoia kicks in. I suppose my worry is they will do what they said in interview, go back to the "victim" and get a second statement- at the time of the original statement he couldn't describe the inside of my house (because he's never been in it!) but I've since seen the property on rightmove complete with pictures (I've screen shotted just in case). But then I think that a second statement would surely make the witness unreliable? And they have my pc, wouldn't they have to wait till that's back to charge?


              • #52
                They will probably wait until the computer is back...this can take a long time.
                They may well take a second statement fro the accuser and 'lose' the first...but he's not been in your house so there's nothing new he can really say.
                Glad that you screen-shotted the website, just in case he's bright enough to find it on Rightmove.
                "Be sure your sin will find you out"

                Numbers 32:23


                • #53
                  My solicitor has copies of his original statement, she did this as my union is funding my legal help and needs copies of everything incase they decide not to support me anymore. Was told that a good barrister would blow his statement to bits in court- they mentioned "speaking to him again" countless times in interview because I denied what he'd said- but then I was told this was unlikely as if he contradicted anything in his first statement it would blow the case apart. His statement was extremely vague to say the least.


                  • #54
                    Oh I's very unusual for you to have a copy of his statement at this stage. In which case, that's different.
                    "Be sure your sin will find you out"

                    Numbers 32:23


                    • #55
                      Two weeks to go. I'm going to wait until next week to contact my solicitor and see if she can see what is going off. I'm really struggling these last few days. I almost expected to be nfa'd by now deep down. And every day the phone doesn't ring I get into a blind panic about being charged. Do the police ever nfa on bail dates or is it always a charge or rebail if they don't let you know before?


                      • #56
                        The police can do any of the three (charge, rebail/re-question, NFA) any time they like, up to and including on the actual bail date. it is generally the done thing for them to warn you a day or two before hand of what is likely going to happen but usually you would need your solicitor to prompt this as they will rarely do it off of their own back.
                        I heard of a case where a person had been NFA'd for several weeks before their bail date and the plod had not told them!
                        "Be sure your sin will find you out"

                        Numbers 32:23


                        • #57
                          how is your son any news?


                          • #58
                            Trying to get this right in my head, There was 2 16yo boys, the first had a consensual relationship with you but he didn't know if he was 15 when it started, while the other fabricated you trying to ask for sex?
                            Laugh at your problems, everybody else does. The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on the list.


                            • #59
                              No, one boy. Nothing ever happened, not even flirting. He claimed he had consensual sex with me aged 16 but said he couldn't remember if I might have incited it when he was 15 in a nut shell. Police were already investigating me after a false allegation was made (which they now acknowledge was completely fabricated, solicitor since found out I was arrested on false information passed from one police force to another and I should have never been arrested in the first place) and found this boy (who is now a man) thanks to trawling and extracted this bizarre confession from him. Strange coincidence this, seen as I have a good case for false arrest.

                              Solicitor contacted me yesterday. Laptop is still being analysed. Solicitor says they are not wanting to re part 4 bail me and are looking for a "conclusion", plod claims they are chasing laptop and should know what's happening with the entire thing next week.


                              • #60
                                Sorry, i am a bit slow. Its just so hard to believe, even for me, and I'm on here lots. I'm not saying it doesn't happen but if a 16 year old boy went to the cops with a "I love her and she loves me" storyline, surly it would be approached with extreme skepticism?
                                Have you seen the channel four show Educating Essex? Its a fantastic show, but it highlights just how fuked the system really is. The vicep stopped and told off a young girl in the hallway for lateness or something and in turn she accused him of shoving her. The girl gave a statement and her account then they pulled the CCTV footage that Channel 4 had captured. It clearly showed that HE DID NOT TOUCH HER, and STILL the girl stuck by her story. Even in the face of irrefutable video evidence she maintained he shoved her. The girl was "suspended" and in three days she was back like nothing happened. I imagine that if the CCTV cam was out of the equation things would of been very different. How can people work under these circumstances? it is madness.
                                Laugh at your problems, everybody else does. The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on the list.

