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It's really hard isn't it?

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  • It's really hard isn't it?

    I'm just starting to face up to what happened to me two and four years ago. I found out that my aggressive mood swings are caused by me trying to cope and come to terms with my past and present, I went to the doctors and he said I needed counselling, I hate that I'm no good at talking to people face to face, especially about me and my personal life.
    All the stress has become too much to cope with. Rape is one thing, but the possibility of me not being able to have kids as well, it's just too much to cope with.

    Sorry about the ranting, I just keep breaking down with everything happening around me, my feeling are so delicate at the moment and anything bad happening just sends me to tears and loneliness. It feels like I am the only one who knows how I am feeling and no-one else cares!
    I know that isn't the case and I know it's not true, but still.

    I would ask my boyfriend to come to counselling with me but I don't want to make him feel like he has to or get him too involved when he doesn't want to be. It's just so hard to cope with

  • #2
    hi Cassie,

    So sorry you are feeling this way, but it is easy to understand why.

    Without going into too much detail, I too was refered for councelling, and like you was very reticent to go.

    However, it really did help just talking to someone else.

    Dont go expecting advice or answers though, that is not what happens, but honestly, please consider it.

