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falsley accused

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  • falsley accused

    my story started lasy may,i was arrested at my home and taken to a police station,i was held in a cell for 19 hours and then questioned about the most horrific accusations a man could ever face,
    i was accused of raping my niece,i was in total shock and basically fell apart.
    these false acusations have destroyed my life,my wife has lost her 3 sisters over this,and my children have been put through hell.
    the investigation lasted 3 moths the most devastating months of my life without doubt,i needed medical intervention to try and keep sane,and i am now seeing a clinical phycologyst on a regular basis.
    agter the 3 months were up and the case was dropped without any charge,i asked the di and dc in the case to investigate the girl who had made these dreadfull allegations against me (as the factual and physical evidence was so strong against her) they came to my home and met with my wife and myself,they said they knew these alagations were false from the start,but had to investigate as a complaint had been made.
    when i saked them to at the very least investigate this girl further they replied we cant as it not "in the public interest",i was stunned because of what they had told me about her interviews(they said she had changed her statments and fact on numerous occasions) plus i had given them dates and times which proved without any dopubt it was all falase,yet they still insist its not in the public interest.
    i have recieved threats to my and had to endure things being shouted at me from the street.this girl is telling everyone and anyone who will listen that i did this,(even though she was confronted by the police at the time) and still now she is telling as many people as possible,
    this is very frightening as i now feel my home and children are at risk and i dont know where to go.i have asked police to look into her accounts and the situation at the moment without any joy. they dont seem to be interested,what on earth is going on.i feel its only a matter of time before something bad happens.
    but i will protect my children at all costs,any help about how to make the police act now and reinvestigate this case would be appreciated,thank you mark.i would also like to add my 6 children were questioned while i was in a police cell,i was imediatly let back home after their interviews and mine,this has been a dreadfull experiance for them too,this is the main reason i wish to have the truth out.but i have no idea how to go about it,please help this was so eveil it cannot be allowed to go away without some kind of justice being done.
    Last edited by mark; 27 March 2009, 11:32 PM.

  • #2
    If the accuser is a child then this will be one reason why they will not prosecute her. If she is an adult you could write to the Crown Prosecution Service and ask them if they would consider this matter carefully.

    I would say that it IS in the public interest as she could go on to do this again, and waste more public money on police manpower. court time, and if her victim is convicted £50K a year on keeping him in prison and the family on Benefits.

    Good luck!
    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

    PAFAA details ~


    • #3
      thanks for your reply,the girl is now 18,she decided to tell her lies last year when she was 17.she said it had happend 4 years earlier.her and her boyfriend had a pact/agreement he was goiong to tell on his own father for abusing him,she tells her story on me.
      once the lies were dropped by the cps and police about me,the boyfriend never told about his dad,they then broke up. strange that.
      i would hope she is lawfully an adult but i dont know the law? thanks again mark

