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  • #16
    Thanks for all these replies - I must admit I am seeing a different story to the one you and others are painting though!

    My confidence is supreme at the moment (Bad mistake as I tend to get cocky and that gets me into trouble!) so I must come down just a slight bit to just confident. The reason for that is that I have done nothing wrong - I don't see this as a serious arrestable offence or heinious crime I on bail for - I just see it as a scrape.

    Just to digress a little - this time last year I got into serious trouble at work - for abusing the email system and internet - I had a really really bad splitting up from my g/f and I wrote a poem or 150 about her from work and placed them on my website! - She read them and complained to my work,
    I then wrote another poem the day I got suspended and within 2 hours of writing it and publishing it the police kicked my door down expecting to see me dead! - This led to councilling/shrinks anti depressants etc etc etc - all along while suspended - I had to attend 3 discpinary meetings and in the end after 3 months being off work - they gave me a warning then let me come back on reduced hours (all fully paid) and then after a month it was all back to normal. There was a real risk that at anytime I could have lost my job - I had only been there like 6 months and only one month as a permy! All of a sudden I had to learn a whole new game if you like and did'nt I just.
    Don't get me wrong I needed the help they gave me and I extremly grateful for it. I draw parallells with that experience - being on bail - being suspended. It could all horribly wrong i.e lost my job - being charged. But all along deep down i knew I would be all right and was constantly told by my friends that I would be all right and not to worry! - did not mean I did not worry that was an extremlely close call! - This scrape in a way is all very similar if you can get what I am trying to say - All this is just a game and as along as I can pick up the rules of it - learn it and then play it there is no reason why it will all go pear shaped.

    The way I see it is that the "thing" who did this to me has done me a huge favour - I think I have said this on previous threads. Not IF but WHEN the tide of war turns against her - I will be the victim of crime which means I get sympathy - I am extremely good at getting that again going on last years experience! I know not to overly trust the police but I have had some emails from some fairly high up people there telling me that they understand what is going on but just let them get on with it! - I have had an inspector come out to me twice in relation to this. I think if they thought I was guilty in the slightest then they would not come near me with a barge pole. The inspector has told me the thing would be arrested and alls well that ends well. My trouble is I am impatient - I don't like waiting and I am telling them that. There is a real chance I could p1ss them off - but as I keep on saying unless they are going to "plant" evidence which I don't think they would do - there is f*ck all they can do to me! - I am totally clean and up to this arrest I have never been arrested before and overall in my life been a total good boy.
    One of the officers said back "All I do is question police procedure" - Yes dam right I do - Again i am entitled to do that! - The police are a public body and accountable. I will continue to do that! - I don't care if they get there cages rattled I really don't. As I have consistently said all I want is JUSTICE!


    • #17
      never trust the police , my bro got sentanced too two years yesterday for sexual assualt ; am so gutted for him and by the way i have a sister and law and brother that is in the police force and if they were honest they woould say the same


      • #18

        Let me put it another way - if you were under pressure from your boss to make more sales... and he plonked every single lead in your lap... and the government changed the law so people don't have a choice other than to buy your product... and the government told you that every single lead, no matter how unlikely, MUST be followed up and have a lot of time and effort spent on it... and the general public were clamouring for you to make more sales... and the public, colleagues and everyone else kept telling you how morally right it was to make sales... you received training on how to sell better... once you'd made the sale it wasn't your problem if the buyer had any problems, especially when customer services make most of the complaints 'inadmissable'... and the best way to get payrises and promotions was to make more sales...

        Well f*ck me you'd make more sales!!!


        THAT has to be the best analogy I have read yet!!!

        ...and heres what happens when you make a complaint against the police to the IPCC..

        Its like buying a suit from a taylor and finding the jacket is shoddily put together, not fit for purpose, not even the material described. You take the suit to trading standards (IPCC). They conduct a credit search on YOU, investigate whether you've complained before...then they give you their (IPCC) conclusion...there is nothing wrong with the trousers.

        ....completely ignoring the shoddy 'unfit for purpose' Jacket!

