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Anonymous complainant on police file

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  • Anonymous complainant on police file


    I was on here previous due to falsely being accused of rape and was since NFAd.

    I wanted to ask I have recieved my report showing what was on it regarding my previous false allegations on me and to my surprise even though also done and dusted another woman (both are exes with my children) made an allegation but it’s showing as anonymous (even though the date of the alleged offence and what was written confirms it’s her) but it doesn’t have her name.

    Now my point is both these ladies have my children and teamed up on me and now I’m in family proceedings to get my children back I need to know (even though I already know) the persons name in black and white so I can prove it’s a false allegation as once I get the name in black and white I can prove the allegation is false..

    The thing is it has no name just that it was done in a certain year relating to a certain year and I want to know if there is a way to obtain this information as it should be my right of someone makes a complaint as they’ve left it as anonymous (even though I know maliciously) which would mean anyone can pop into a police station and make a complaint about someone and it makes their crime report and the previous suspect or person it’s about can’t see who said it...

    Is there a way to find this out as if I can it damages my exes case in the family court fully (I can’t put it here but I can prove the complaint is false) but having the details of the allegation is one thing but the name is key for me to get justice...

    Any comments or direction would be most helpful and appreciated

    This can’t be allowed otherwise I can go into a police station make a complaint about anyone just to be spiteful stay anonymous and get away with it marking the person for life?

  • #2

    I doubt the police have a record of who called them. If they knew they would not have recorded it as anonymous. These accusations can be made over the phone from a withheld number or via a support group that will not reveal id details. We have all experienced the biased actions of the police but if they recorded a complaint as anonymous which wasn't then they are taking a big risk. I suspect some might. It could even have been ex-partner 1 pretending to be ex-partner 2, we all know what liars ex's can be.


