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Mental Health Advice

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  • Mental Health Advice

    Hi All

    I am looking for advice re Mental Health Issues after arrest. There are lots of articles and advice for those who already have mental health problems who are then arrested but I am looking for information on the effect of being arrested. My mental health has worsened since my arrest. I went from drinking once every few months to drinking everyday. I don't leave my house for weeks on end, sometimes I don't leave my bed. My sleep is poor and I can't interact with people in a normal way. I was using negative coping mechanisms such as alcohol and gambling but have cut back on both as it they were going the wrong way.

    I have had support via counselling provided by my employer but it was only for six sessions each year. I have tried to cope and put a brave face on but it is becoming harder and harder. Many of the members here have given me very good advice but it is hard to motivate myself to do what I need to do due to worsening anxiety.

    I want to have a look at articles about the effect of arrest to see if there is any new information in them.


  • #2
    Hi there!

    I am actually working on setting up a Charity that helps man post false allegation,send me direct message so we can talk
    Stay strong


    • #3
      Your mental Health will unfortunately be effected. You are facing a serious accusation with serious consequences and that in itself will be anxiety provoking. You are also probably feeling depressed because you are in a situation which you have no control over.

      I would suggest a couple of things. Have you spoken to your doctor about how you feel? Medication is not for everyone but it might help. Also, try and focus on the here and now. I know it’s easier said than done but worrying about the outcome at the moment isn’t going to benefit your mental health. Make sure you try and eat a sensible balanced diet and don’t isolate yourself. Keep yourself busy if you can.

      Alcohol is a depressant and drinking can impair your sleep. Try to reduce your alcohol use. Try alternative coping strategies which are more positive such as exercise, yoga and meditation.
      Last edited by slowdown73; 25 April 2018, 06:54 PM.

