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Falsely Accused

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  • Falsely Accused

    Hi. Firstly congratulations on a great, much needed site. My story? If only it was just that instead of this living nitemare. I am currently on Police Bail pending investigation for historic Rape x 4. Indecent Assault and Harrassment of a former partner over a 12 month period. I,ve been suspended from work on full pay and have conditions imposed on me preventing me from visiting certain areas and contacting individuals. How did I find my self in this situation? I simply got into a relationship with the wrong Woman. Oh I tried to leave many times but her Suicide attempts and drinking binges left me feeling guilty for her plite and so i stayed, for three years! Eventualy i did escape and found a wonderful partner who was strong enough to support me and put up with the fact that I remained 'friends' with this person who i believed needed my constant support. When eventually she met someone i cut all ties but that didn't suit and so I had no option but to report this person for Harrassment, she was given a warning to stay away. Within minutes of recieving this warning she went to the Police Station and made her allegations, though it was several months later that these were made in statement form. Its a long saga and though i'm confident no charges will be brought, (how can there be? none of it is true,) the stigma attached remains. Sure i blame my self for not being strong enough to leave before, but its amazing what you get used to. People close to me see me as a strong character in mind, a leader, some one to rely on. I guess sometimes its easier to help others than it is yourself....

  • #2
    Hi, please don't get too complacent about not being charged as you haven't done anything.

    Sadly their are many sat inside who thought the same.

    Please get yourself organised by getting together as much evidence as you can that supports what you have said - along with a damn good solicitor, I think you may need one.

    There will be others after me who will post all the information you'll need - take notice of what they will tell you - they do know what they are saying.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #3

      I work (reviewing cases for appeals against conviction) for a solicitor who deals in false allegations of abuse. He is based in Southport. If you aren't near there please PM your location and I will see if I can find suitable representation.

      I agree with RFLH - just because you know it's not true does not mean that the matter will go nowhere. Believe I have 5 appeals on the go at the moment - all of those thought they'd go nowhere too. All but one is in prison. The other is now out but cannot live with his family due to the nature of the allegations.

      Get yourself sorted with a specialised solicitor now. You'll need one at interview.
      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

      PAFAA details ~


      • #4
        Falsely Accused

        Thanks for your comments and i appreciate your sentiments. I have to have faith in the judicial system though, after all i work within it! My case is strong and my evidence good. What is so frustrating is the situation and the stigma attached to it, i'm sure others have felt the same way. I trust that the Officers dealing with the investigation will do the job well but thats not always enough is it? It's ok for the CPS to say NFA or to get equited at Court but what remains is the fact that someone was bitter or twisted enough to make the allegations in the first place. I'm not looking to get even but people who make up allegations should pay for their crimes and not enough do. It doesn't matter how innocent you know you are it still hangs over you like an axe!! I have an excellent legal team and support from friends, family and colleagues thankfully. When i know the outcome i'll post it here with some of the details of the case and my expieriances on the way...


        • #5
          please forgive my cynicism when I say that I hope you are here to post!

          I think you would be wise to make plans should the worst happen - you wouldn't be the first to believe in justice and you won't be the last to wave goodbye to it as you descend the steps.

          Just because you work within it and you are honest - it doesn't follow that the rest of the people are - make a start preparing now.
          And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


          • #6
            I've been trying to help three ex coppers who thought that the allegations would go away and who had good defence teams behind them. They are all in prison. Working in a legal capacity does not exempt anybody from being prosecuted and found guilty. I hate to dampen your enthusiasm but you really do need to prepare yourself for the worst.

            I wish you well with the case I I really do hope and pray that it goes no further.

            Good luck.
            People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

            PAFAA details ~


            • #7
              I'm afraid I have to agree with Rights Fighter and RFLH on this one.
              please DO NOT assume that the truth will prevail! this is a mistake so many people make - you need to prepare yourself for the worst.

              Allegations of rape are highly emotive, and very much in the public eye. The political pressure on the CPS means they are much more likely to "give it a whirl". This is an historic case, so there will be no physical evidence, which makes it even harder to gain an acquittal. Ask yourself who the jury are likely to believe - the broken, disturbed woman sobbing behind her screen, "too afraid" to face her alleged abuser? or the man standing in the dock for all to see? there is an automatic implication of victim status for her, and of guilt for you.

              This lady sounds deeply disturbed - i would recommend that your legal team apply for access to her medical records. Also if you have any correspondence from her (letters, text messages, anything) saying that she didn't want you to leave, that would be very helpful.

              Good luck, and please prepare yourself for a fight.


              • #8
                falsely accused

                You are all correct in your thoughts and advice. I,ve not included much detail i know but i do have lots of evidential material which goes along way towards disproving these allegations, or at least enough to cast huge doubts on the nature behind them. It is a bizarre set of circumstances and I fully understand that they require full investigation, i'm confident no stone will be unturned! Like you correctly suggest, I shall see soon enough..


                • #9
                  up to you

                  I'm afraid I have to agree with Rights Fighter and RFLH on this one


                  • #10
                    Webmoo can we have a portal gate above this site which says something like:-

                    " Abandon YE ALL the NIAVE belief that the truth will provail on false allegations and that the police are trustworthy"

                    I like what 'lemming' had to say elsewhere, if your accussed:_

                    "Prepare for WAR, Hope for peace"

                    Anyone who reads through these threads must surely,surely realise it is essential to gather to you every shred of potential evidence, every possible statement gleened which can help with ones defence of a 'false allegation'. Do not rely on honesty of police to any gather evidence which may disprove the case against you and if accused under NO circumstance believe ANYTHING the police tell you!

                    BroA8, Please NEVER trust that a police officers will do their job well, not once YOU are the accused!

                    Nobody should sit on their laurels that just because 'they' know the truth of a 'false allegation' made against them that it will be exposed as that! RF & RFLH know only to well the folly of others now languishing in HMP who were believing in that!

                    To do nothing is to become the rabbit in the headlights of the speeding jugganaut of a monolithic judical system bearing down.

                    Soz! *I've had a bad weekend* The stain of false allegation. Just discovered a *respected*??? member of a gay organisation known to me has been running around spreading further inaccurate malicious gossip & rumour regarding me, ahhhh! it just goes on!


                    • #11
                      Hi UD

                      I feel for you. Your anger and rage is exactly how I felt! the powerlessness, the utter injustice, the misconceptions of really lights a fire in your heart. I still think about it, and sometimes it still wakes me up at night. I google *her* name nearly every day, and watch her career take flight, while my husband works loading lorries in a warehouse. [not that there is anything wrong with working in a warehouse, but he used to be a senior manager for a well-known fashion chain]. and i have to work full-time instead of being the stay-at-home mum for our children that i always wanted to be. you know, picking them up from school, baking cakes with them, building robots out of old cereal packets, that type of thing. she has done this to us by making her malicious allegation, and then by lying and lying and lying. the red fury will never go away.

                      it is not healthy, I know it isn't, but somehow I can't stop myself!

                      Luckily my husband has recently landed a temporary contract working at a level similar to his previous one. (my dad knew someone who knew someone...nepotism never dies, but it has helped us out this time!) Hopefully it will lead to something.

                      I am fiercely proud of him, myself, and our families for weathering this storm. But I will never ever be able to let go of the unbelievable sense of damage, loss and heartbreak this whole thing has caused me and my loved ones.

                      so, I know where you are coming from, UD. Some days are better than others though, and it's the good ones that make the bad ones worth it.


                      • #12
                        The problem is, if UD keeps venting his spleen and repeating it, all sympathy will eventually vanish as people will get bored with it and move on.

                        I understand his anger - when my friend Rob went to prison and then was released on appeal 9months later (police hid 53 pieces of evidence) when he came out he was the same. In the end after hearing the same thing every day, several times a day I had to pretend to be out so I didn't have to hear it again for the umpteenth time. I nearly had a breakdown over it because I couldn't cope with his anger nearly all day nearly every day. I moved away in the end.

                        He was told he couldn't get compo for being wrongly imprisoned as it wasn't a "public authority" that was at fault. Excuse me but the police are a public authority. It's gone to ECHR who have agreed to investigate the matter. He's stopped ranting at the police now and now rants about every step that is taken in his European case. He's lost solicitors through ranting - people can only take so much.

                        The problem is - he still rants about it. He can't work due to he inability to move on. I know others who served a lot longer in prison (Parkhurst Paul served nearly 10 years for crimes never committed). He's finding it desperately hard but he's determined not to let the accuser win - he's down the job centre every day, he's in the library every day learning how to work a computer. He's been out 5 months.

                        I reckon that once UD has calmed down (!) he could be a very useful resource to campaigning groups. I look forward to that!
                        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                        PAFAA details ~


                        • #13
                          Another Bail Extension!

                          Here's the latest in my on going saga! The case file went off to CPS with all the tasks completed by the Officer in the case as requested. The CPS can't or won't make a decision on it! they've forwarded it on to a Barrister to look at and advise accordingly!! My bail and conditions have been extended for a further 6 weeks! I know one shouldn't assume but it would appear to me that if there was a case to answer CPS would not of hesitated in having me charged, they are the decision makers at the end of the day! my thinking is that of Rights Fighter, Rape is a political hot potatoe at present and if they took the decision to discontinue the case the buck would stop at them and they don't wish for it too... There really is NO evidence in this case and as i,ve said before, I have material which strongly undermines the case...
                          Thanks for your comments thus far everyone, and as for you UD, whilst i emperthise with you i'm glad i,m made of sterner stuff! your negativity and repeated rantings could make a lesser being give up all hope! not very supportive i,m sorry to say....


                          • #14
                            Hi again!

                            When a barrister for the Crown is handed the file this often means that there is something in there (of a "sensitive" nature)that needs to clarified as to whether it is admissable into the evidence.

                            It's entirely possible that the accuser, having mental health problems, has a past track record of doing something similar. I might be wrong of course on that! I hope not as it can only assist your case, but only if defence are permitted to get full disclosure on it.

                            It's a case of "wait and see" I'm afraid.
                            People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                            PAFAA details ~


                            • #15
                              Hi RF,
                              mmmm! I can't imagine she's done anything like this before, she was married for 22 years and was going through a divorce when i came along. I know everything there is to know about this woman, or so i thought!! we were very close. She does have serious issues which her medical history would show ie: previous suicide attempts etc, when i ended the relationship the first time, and i,m convinced there's a personality disorder there somewhere. She's credible though on the surface, has a good job and so on. When i had her given a Harrassment warning she told me she saw this as my ultimate betrayel of her and within minutes had gone to the Police. She was basicly making a nuisance of her self despite the fact she had found a new partner, fortunately i kept the text messages where she claims i was the best thing that ever to happened in her life and she'd love me forever etc etc, there were nine in all. Hardly the words of a victim of rape! and what sort of pratt would i have been to have her warned for harrassment if i had had guilty knowledge that i'd done something like that!? Like you say, i shall have to wait and see...

