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sounding off!

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  • sounding off!

    When arrested on a bogus allegation of rape, as a gay person I knew to say nothing, and I mean 'nothing' to police until I had spoken with a solicitor.

    Police DO NOT investigate and DO NOT act impartialy, they simply gather information for purposes of trying to obtain a prosecution only, ignoring defence witnesses, defence evidence, both physical and material. That is my actual experience.

    The police had already searched my home in the presence of myself and other witnesses. Police had poked at the used condoms in the bin ...and then IGNORED THEM. That sent up warning rockets for me that the police had NO intent of conducting the case impartialy, honestly, with integrity and transparency of conduct. I am openly gay and police where I live are NOTORIOUS for being GROSSLY HOMOPHOBIC. (The used condoms passed as evidence in sterile plastic bags to the defence solicitor immediately upon my release from questioning). Along with a massage bar HE used to give ME a massage, in front of a witness present throughout, where upon HE (the accusor) made sexual advances and intimate physical contact to me. The bar would be covered in his DNA.

    Accorrding to him he was to drunk (he had not been drinking) or drugged (well the police should have blood tested him) and he said he was not concious. Funny, not how the other FOUR people present made statement of his willingness and enthusiasium to give me a massage, prior to two of them leaving the room.

    There were three witnesses (excluding myself) to the person I had sex with, giving their clear intent on the part of the accusor, HIS expressed intention to have sex with me. One witness was present in the room when I had sex and was witness to consent being given. Yes, the witnesses gave written statements to my solicitor.

    When contacted by police one gay witness offered to make statement, but only in the presence of an independent witness! (Such is the distrust amongst gay people of the local homophobic police, and with good reason) The police actually DECLINED to interview the gay witness, unless he gave them a statement OVER THE PHONE! This he was not willing to do over the phone knowing as he does the degree of dishonesty/corruption and homophobic conduct amongst the police where I live in dealing with gay people.

    He gave a written statement to my solicitor instead when the police declined to take one.

    Then we have text messeges from the accusor ADMITTING it was a false allegation and an independent witness had a telephone conversation in which AGAIN the accusor admitted that it was a false allegation.

    The police provided with this information have COMPLETELY ignored it.

    I am painfully aware that ANYTHING said verbally by the accused to the police in or out of interrogation will get twisted and misrepresented in anyway possible that police can. It is even worse if you are gay due to the (accorrding to the Home Office itself) endemic homophobia within the police force.

    My solicitor listened to what I had to say, made a written statement which we gave to the police. The legal advice I recieved was to then make a 'no comment' interview. Which I did during three seperate intense interrogations over more than sixteen hours I was held in detention including over night.

    It gets boring saying:-
    NO COMMENT, NO COMMENT, NO COMMENT, NO COMMENT, NO COMMENT, etc. for hours on end to seemingly endless questions, but I truely believe now to be essential, given my experience of police corruption and dishonesty of conduct I have personally experienced from police.

    We were informed that the accusor went to police and withdrew the allegation, (We were informed, he had made the original allegation as his boyfriend had caught him out on having been cheatiing on him, so he said he was raped), but police continued relentlessly to pursue it such is the depth of homophobic discrimination operative within the police force.

    Eventually, the case was finalised and NFA (No Further Action), but not for months during which time I became depressed and suicidal. I was NOT charged with any offence. My being gay, this stuck in the throats (no pun intended) of the police who then sent round two officers in an unlogged visit to further intimidate, threaten and harras myself and other members of my household. Since then I have been targeted again by the police in police stop of my vehicle on the grounds given by one of the police officers he recognised me. I doubt I will ever trust the police on anything ever again.

    It does not end, it does not go away, the vendetta and violation by police continues relentlessly. The police are corrupt, dishonest, not impartial, do not exhibit integrity and lack transparency of conduct, and are DEEPLY, DEEPLY homophobic!

    As for the accusor, he has caused even more further problems for other people since. I am fully expecting to hear that he has made in the future a false rape allegation against someone else, since I understand he has now learned about the considerable potential financial rewards of the Criminal injuries compensation system for rape victims.

    This system needs to be scraped and replaced with a system of emotional counciling and therapy instead for those awarded it. That way it might weed out the gold diggers and possibly reveal further miscarraiges of justice of false allegation during therapy.

    The real victims of rape and false rape (and that includes the families/friends of accused and accusor) are suffering because of those who sickly make false allegation like...JP ...and I'm not even allowed to say who it was, but they continue to tell people I raped them even though the case has been finalised.

    This has caused me to break down and cry on more than one occassion and I now passionately HATE the police. Who were not and are not ...just doing their job!

    The poll is expired.

  • #2
    Adding to the above:-(I know I've sort of posted this bit elsewhere, but it ties to the above thread)

    I recently was made aware that my accuser has been posting on a social internet site that he had been to court & that I had been sent down for his rape!

    Which was a tiny bit of a shock since I was at home on the computer. Err! clearly NOT TRUE that I've been sent down for his allegd rape! The case was NFA'd, not charged, not prosecutued & I was certainly not convicted.

    A WASTE OF TIME, but I reported it to the police..(like how much more evidence do police need he is a compulsive liar on top of his text messeges of admission it was a false allegation, physical evidence (ignored by police) and other eye witnesses, for a 'false rape' allegation).

    Regretably my local HOMOPHOBIC police force is so corrupt, so dishonest and so AHHHH! my utter frustration..they have said they will do nothing!

    ....but what do they do instead...they sent round two police officers in an unlogged visit to try to intimidate me to SHUT UP!

    It is essential that police pursue 'false rape' allegations, even if it ...NO, ESPECIALLY if it exposes dishonesty, corruption, lack of integrity, lack of impartiality and (in my case homophobic) and/or racist attitudes and practises carried out by police officers!!!

    Unfortunately I am now of the opinion (based upon experience) that the Independent Police Complaint Commission is a total lacky to the corrupt police and a lap dog poodle...not a public watchdog over police abuse of power!!!

