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delicate situation - help needed!!! :(

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  • delicate situation - help needed!!! :(

    as my husband is incarcerated for 13 years for crimes he did not commit- oh boy is that another story!!! anyway, i have been researching many aspects of false accusations of rape to try to put together a pack to help those who are in as much of a state as i was to begin with:this is not an advertisement for my services, just an explanation for the following- anyway i answered a query on a different site to this one, to someone who was fasely accused etc etc, after a few emails he told me, or hinted at, in no uncertain terms that he had actually done the crime he was accused of, against young girls... ok so the question is do i tell the police, or not? he was not living in this country at the i dont even know his real name- the problem is i really really hate the police as they knew it wasnt my hubby who had done this but another member of the family, yt they still stitched him up, due to our **** solicitor... anyway i cant abide the police they make me feel physically sick,,,,, so wot do i do about this? do i stay quiet or talk or wot?help!!!

  • #2
    I understand your loathing of the police - i feel exactly the same way.
    however, i don't think you can overlook this. Even if you don't know his name, he may be traceable through his email address. you could make your report anonymous. At the risk of sounding aggressive, i think you have to report this to the police. if it was your daughter he had abused, would you even think twice?
    good luck.


    • #3
      fair point. but if he is traceable through his email then couldnt they trace me though them? i really really want to stop this, and this is not an excuse but a reason, i cannot belive or trust any police now because the one that dealt with my situation did nt even investigate the truth just went for the conviction and surely ihave to protect myself from the evil of the so called police who until all this happened, had my 100% support no matter wot....


      • #4
        Dear Lulu

        I completely and utterly understand your concern regarding corrupt and dishonest police officers (I'm guessing you are in the UK). My own experience is police DO NOT investigate, they simply gather evidence to enable a prosecution case to be built. In the process police completely disregard witnesses, physical & material evidence which they are aware or informed of which may prove the defence case. Thats my experience and my case was finalised, there were No charges (nor should there have been) and the case, 'No Further Action'.

        There is NO POINT reporting police misconduct, corruption or criminal conduct (I know by experience) to the Independent Police Complaints Commission. As a public watchdog and protector of the public of police abuse of power, in my personal experience they have all the effectiveness of a toothless poodle, but thats another story too!

        However, that said regarding dishonesty of UK police officers, in particular CID. The information recieved by you regarding 'hints' that someone 'may' have committed a serious criminal offence. Given 'your' personal experience of police, what do 'you' think they will do with this information?

        If it is just 'hints', (I'm making a presumption that this is in email form) are you, misreading how the person conveyed to you information and is it sufficiently strong to enable the police to take direct action?

        Personally, if I felt strongly (as you clearly do) I would write (in good old fashion 'snailmail') to the police enclosing all the relivent informtion that you have. However, I would do so annoymously, giving my reason that due to 'your' personal negative experience of police you have NO faith and/or NO trust in the honesty, integrity, impartiality and transparency of conduct of police officers (I know I don't anymore) and you wish to remain annonymous.

        That way, your concious is clear, you have passed on to police what you believe to be important information.

        What they do with it?

        Well, thats down to them?

        PS. If anybody wants to read an informative well written book on modern police corruption, then read "UNTOUCHABLES" by Michael Gillard & Laurie Flynn, two highly respected journalists. The book published by CUTTING EDGE PRESS.

