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Could really do with some help if possible please!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by terrifiedguy View Post
    I don't think that is a motive, the initial accusation (to her friends) happened within a few months of the incident in question.

    Thank you for your reply Rights Fighter, sorry, sounded very rude dismissing it straight out, it was unintentional [Edited in]

    I really need to find good solicitor in my area (legal aid) because I may have some evidence that could clear me but its a long shot.

    I would like to give myself the best chance at a NFA so would ideally like to preempt any police interview with a meeting with a solicitor to discuss this (even if I have to pay in full for this part of it)

    Currently using a friend's computer because if my phone or laptop get seized for checking they might see I've been here.

    Is there a safe way of using this forum without leaving traces? Do Tor browsers on mobiles leave any trace for forensic investigation?
    i hate to say that it doesn't necessarily mean it will be NFA the moment they see the evidence.. we gave our OIC heaps of evidence that its a vendetta and proof they were lying as well as evidence that the person who got the person to make the accusation has been asking someone else to do the same!!!!!!.... that was in august!! still on bail, still ongoing investigation. Think hard though as they could twist the evidence so it might be worth just keeping hidden for now.

    Would be worth speaking to a solicitor soon, as you could say that the accuser has been bragging around town about it and he could vouch that you had approached him before possible arrest/interview.

    I think really, it won't look good on her if she has already been going round opening her gob about it.

    Keep strong though, and don't worry about the poster from the other side, as she worded herself, she has her own issues to deal with and i guess sometimes that means she has to vent out on here

    "Only True Love Can Survive This"

    -Hubby was accused - arrested in June 2015 - re-bailed December 2015 - NFA'd March 31st 2016 - SS allowed him back home to our family April 2016-


    • #17
      Also, have you got good friends or family you can talk to about this? You'll need some support, some people even find it helpful to speak to their GP. Something to think about if you need to


      • #18
        Thank you guys for the replies. I'm so pleased I found this site.

        I'm just trying to find out the best solicitor to go to regarding this, is there any way of searching solicitors in my area that do legal aid and that specialize in this matter?

        Google really doesn't seem to give me many options.

        For the time being I may just stick to using my friend's PC to talk on here.

        Regarding friends, yes, I have spoken to a couple of friends about this and they've been great but I'm frightened about any possible backlash on social media. Would it look suspicious if I deleted my social media accounts?

        So sorry for all of these questions, I have a billion of them swimming around my head at the moment and nothing seems to make sense.


        • #19
          Hi terrifiedguy, I'm sorry you've found your way here and understandably you're panicked and have a million questions.

          All I can suggest to you is to breathe - and to do nothing in haste. Honestly, I think it would be better to be careful with your use of social media rather than to delete it. Not because it would be suspicious but why deprive yourself of something when you've done nothing wrong? I honestly don't see any reason to delete it, and if someone starts mouthing off on Facebook in your direction, that's down to them, not you. It won't necessarily reflect badly on you, if it happens at all.
          'Mongolian Warriors had the courage of lions, the patience of hounds, the prudence of cranes, the long-sightedness of ravens, the wildness of wolves, the passion of fightingcocks, the keenness of cats, the fury of wild boars and the cunning of foxes.' BE A MONGOLIAN WARRIOR WHEN DEFENDING YOUR INNOCENCE!


          • #20
            Thank you Franticwithworry.

            Regarding Facebook, does anybody know what the police are likely to gain from it? Do they just look at posts or do they get right in and retrieve long deleted messages? Not that there is anything dodgy, just wondering what they can actually access?

            Just to clarify, I was trying to retrieve some old messages as I thought they might help but was told probably not, but wondered if the police had more power to get hold of it and withhold something I might want to use
            Last edited by terrifiedguy; 29 March 2016, 06:45 PM.


            • #21
              You can change some settings on Facebook if that is what you are using to prevent nonfriends from seeing your profile and you can set it so that you have to approve any posts made on your wall. Look it all up online as it's bit tricky


              • #22
                Who knows?

                From everything I've read here, the police don't do much investigating except to look for proof of guilt. I'm not sure Facebook is much use to them and it's up to the accused to form their own defence. Your biggest worry I think, is if you had stuff on Facebook admitting a crime, and as you're innocent, there won't be any of that. If there's anything on Facebook from her saying she's lying or pictures of her out on the town having fun later in the day she is supposedly devastated by your behaviour, then it's up to you to capture those and let your solicitor have them for your defence - if it comes to that.

                That's what I've come to understand anyway, and I'm sure if I've got it wrong someone will step in and set me/us straight.
                'Mongolian Warriors had the courage of lions, the patience of hounds, the prudence of cranes, the long-sightedness of ravens, the wildness of wolves, the passion of fightingcocks, the keenness of cats, the fury of wild boars and the cunning of foxes.' BE A MONGOLIAN WARRIOR WHEN DEFENDING YOUR INNOCENCE!


                • #23
                  Thank you Franticwithworry,

                  Thats what I was thinking, and that's fine, I have nothing incriminating like that. I've never done anything illegal anyway, ever (apart from speeding tickets) but j=was just concerned about Devon And Cornwall Police twisting the truth.
                  Last edited by terrifiedguy; 29 March 2016, 07:01 PM.


                  • #24
                    Hi the police are unlikely to check facebook, in OH case at trial we used facebook as a minor part of his defence which however was extremely useful, so if you have anything that may help as already mentioned to disprove or shows discrepancies Screen shot it and print it


                    • #25
                      Thanks Staystrong, I'm still trying to get hold of the deleted info but if I do then I will certainly screenshot it.

                      Am I to assume that you work in the legal profession?

                      And I'm new to the abbreviations, what is OH?

                      Thank you
                      Last edited by terrifiedguy; 29 March 2016, 07:11 PM.


                      • #26
                        OH - Other Half - husband or wife
                        'Mongolian Warriors had the courage of lions, the patience of hounds, the prudence of cranes, the long-sightedness of ravens, the wildness of wolves, the passion of fightingcocks, the keenness of cats, the fury of wild boars and the cunning of foxes.' BE A MONGOLIAN WARRIOR WHEN DEFENDING YOUR INNOCENCE!


                        • #27
                          Oh right, okay, thank you.
                          As somebody who already suffers with anxiety issues I am finding this a great comfort, I'm trying not to hog the forum and I'm sorry if I'm over posting


                          • #28
                            Hi there again

                            Dont be worried keep,posting. We are all going through or been through the same ordeal of a FA. Fortunately we are out the other side following NG(not guilty) unanimous verdict for Other Half (lol you will soon get used to abbreviations)last year so I totally know how you are feeling. Im usually a really positive person but following FA went into,absolute meltdown with anxiety and stress and was offwork for a while, its an awful process but finding this forum was a godsend. Try not to second guess as much as you can, it really is a waiting game but if charged thats only when you get the disclosure from CPS and the real,fight begins. Hopefully you will get NFA but whatever you can get through this.Keep posting and you will get invaluable help. I found keeping a book and noting down thoughts,discrepancies, dates did a timeline around FA as your head just gets so jumbled with it all.


                            • #29
                              Don't worry, you're not. At least not so far as I'm concerned. It's a terrifying experience, and your bound to have lots of questions to start with. I'm sure you will feel less anxious in time, but that's what the forum is for - to offer support, answer questions and alleviate anxiety.

                              Hopefully, it's working for you. Lots of posts is ok.
                              'Mongolian Warriors had the courage of lions, the patience of hounds, the prudence of cranes, the long-sightedness of ravens, the wildness of wolves, the passion of fightingcocks, the keenness of cats, the fury of wild boars and the cunning of foxes.' BE A MONGOLIAN WARRIOR WHEN DEFENDING YOUR INNOCENCE!


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by terrifiedguy View Post
                                Thank you Franticwithworry,

                                Thats what I was thinking, and that's fine, I have nothing incriminating like that. I've never done anything illegal anyway, ever (apart from speeding tickets) but j=was just concerned about Devon And Cornwall Police twisting the truth.
                                I'm in the south west... our solicitor is LA and is Jeremy Tricks - search jacob and tricks, he's based in exeter. although he seems great at the moment but were still pre-charge bail.

                                So far.... the d&c police arn't too bad, but like any police force they don't seem to help find anything in your favour (even when you tell them on the phone 3 times!) and they do try and trick you out a bit,and apparantly they do alot of 'mingling in the public' to find out about you but our local pcso says that they do take false allegations seriously and one of the best forces for prosecuting perverting the course of justice and wasting police time..but we'll see about that. Anyway.. gassing again but just take each step at a time and prepare yourself as much as possible, i guess it might be one of those rare occasions when you know about the allegation before even being arrested, so make the most of the opportunity. (if that makes sense)

                                note: sorry for spelling mistakes, been a long day

                                "Only True Love Can Survive This"

                                -Hubby was accused - arrested in June 2015 - re-bailed December 2015 - NFA'd March 31st 2016 - SS allowed him back home to our family April 2016-

