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When it goes to cps...

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  • When it goes to cps...

    Hi there, got two questions i wondered if people could help me answer....

    How long into the investigation did your case go to the cps... as far as a i know (as hubby wont phone , that its almost 9 months and there still not planning to take it to cps)

    When it did go to cps, did the police phone your solicitor to let you know??

    Thanks in advance!!! xxxxxxx
    "Only True Love Can Survive This"

    -Hubby was accused - arrested in June 2015 - re-bailed December 2015 - NFA'd March 31st 2016 - SS allowed him back home to our family April 2016-

  • #2
    I've been over 8 months for me and I am still waiting, I phoned my OIC for an up date a few weeks ago and was told they were still waiting for other reports from agencies e.g. ss etc. They also took my tech which has now been returned, with no comment and they said they might want to speak to my other half again re statements all before it goes to cps, the OIC however did say that they had already taken advice from the cps re further evidence they may need before the case was formally sent.

    I just keep hoping that following all these avenues if investigation and constant review of the case will make them see that there is no evidence against me and that my FA is just a liar, maybe they can already see that but are just looking even harder to find something they can use to bring a charge and court case.

    Like you all I can do is wait and pray common sense prevails, in the mean time it's driving me nuts.

    I hope you get a NFA soon.


    • #3
      My case went to CPS three times before it got dropped. Took about six months before it went the first time. If the CPS return it to the Police then there is usually not enough evidence to charge and there are further actions for the Police to chase up. I've been told it's very unusual for a case to go to CPS three times. Usually, it's once unless the case is exceptional like in a murder.


      • #4
        We had to call and find out it took 12 days but as they hardly knew each other and there was no evidence there wasn't much investigating to be done. Police were quite efficient it's CPS that seem to be hanging on to and not even looking at it :/
        Who you become while you are waiting is as important as what you are waiting for -Nicky Gumble


        • #5
          CPS are overwhelmed with this stuff.

          chase the cops and get an answer.
          Recommended Solicitors ---
          Proven results for people accused of False Allegations


          • #6
            Thanks for your replies, so it wouldn't be unusual for the investigation to go on for 9 months and it not go to cps yet, they said at the police station when hubby went for rebail that they are trying to get it sorted so it doesnt have to go to cps. But i guess that if it does go to cps the next bail date wont be met (5th april), and my husband wont be home for my daughters birthdays

            if it doesnt go to cps than i guess it means they have no evidence whats so ever, and not one person they've interviewed has agreed or said that the accusation could be possible?

            probably going to be going on false hope again here lol
            "Only True Love Can Survive This"

            -Hubby was accused - arrested in June 2015 - re-bailed December 2015 - NFA'd March 31st 2016 - SS allowed him back home to our family April 2016-


            • #7
              I know it's much easier said than done but I don't think you should try and second guess what's happening.there doesn't seem to be any kind of pattern or consistent timeframe as to how these accusations are dealt with.

              The waiting is total agony, having all your lives on hold with no end in sight is a unique torture.

              Ex was reinterviewed at last bail and told it would be going to CPS and there'd be decision by next bail date. Whether it's gone we've no idea and how Police could be sure that CPS would deal with it so quick I don't know. I do know there's nothing that can be done between now and bail date and if I continue to try and second guess I will go mad.

              Hopefully the fact it's taking so long to go to CPS shows that the case against your OH is flimsy and the police are struggling.


              • #8
                Hi all ... My case went to the cps with in 10 days of me being interviewed and my interview was one day after my FA had been interviewed ... I think the longer they take to send it to the cps the less evidence they have ... But in my case them sending it so quickly I am not sure what to think about it ...

                I attended a voluntary interview and left after my 45 minute interview and I have no bail date set or anything so I don't know what to think can any shed any light on this??

                To answer your question I think no news is good news.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Inadarkplace View Post

                  I attended a voluntary interview and left after my 45 minute interview and I have no bail date set or anything so I don't know what to think can any shed any light on this??

                  I always say (which doesn't mean I'm correct of course!) that if no bail has been set there is nothing to stop the accused person fleeing to a non-extraditable country, therefore the police cannot be taking the accusation very seriously.
                  'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Casehardened View Post
                    I always say (which doesn't mean I'm correct of course!) that if no bail has been set there is nothing to stop the accused person fleeing to a non-extraditable country, therefore the police cannot be taking the accusation very seriously.
                    Yes but then that would of course make me look guilty but then again it is a good idea lol.

                    I mean they have my phone and a very detailed statement from me. They also have my fingerprints and Dna on file from a few years ago from something when I was a teenager(criminal damage) even then they had no evidence to charge so I got let off with that.

                    I mean what do you think about them sending my case to the cps with in 10 days of the initial interview??

                    Is anyone else you know not got a bail date and not charged??


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Inadarkplace View Post
                      Yes but then that would of course make me look guilty but then again it is a good idea lol.

                      I mean they have my phone and a very detailed statement from me. They also have my fingerprints and Dna on file from a few years ago from something when I was a teenager(criminal damage) even then they had no evidence to charge so I got let off with that.

                      I mean what do you think about them sending my case to the cps with in 10 days of the initial interview??

                      Is anyone else you know not got a bail date and not charged??
                      10 days seems short in comparison to others but a couple of positives on this... Firstly we all agree the police have been taking far too long on these cases, maybe the force involved do not want to waste time and are aiming to submit their cases quickly. Also I think a short investigation might suggest they have little to go on, ie. Very little evidence to gather. So I don't know but maybe a short investigation period may be a good thing.

                      I can't really figure out why you haven't got a bail date, were you arrested?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Inadarkplace View Post
                        Is anyone else you know not got a bail date and not charged??

                        I'm afraid so. I attended a voluntary interview and was not arrested and threfore am not on bail.

                        My interview was 41 weeks ago.



                        • #13
                          my Oh was arrested but they said on his bail date that they will come to a decision by 5th april and they want to avoid taking it to CPS (as apparantly it costs them alot of money??) but also its linked to private teaching and they said that they don't want to speak to any of our students old and new despite asking for informaiton about them at the beginning of the investigation, so i'm guessing that's all a good sign...

                          just been another rough day... had to peel my 6 year old of me crying, who didn't want to go to school "in case she misses daddy coming home" then after school the people who got the person to accuse 7 year old daughter started bullying my 4 year old daughter again (physically), so had to carry my 4 year old home crying and she continued crying for a good 10 minutes at home before I calmed her down and then had the usual routine. Then all evening my OH was trying to be helpful by asking a friend for advice (about the bullying) who kept phoning me and really i just wanted it to be a normal after school evening, and forget about it all, and not talk about it round the kids because I wanted to make the atmosphere in the house nice, i wanted to do the normal, homework, dinner bathtime without talking about those families!! Just focis on my family for a few hours..... - and now just read about red

                          just want to deal with the school as quickly as possible tomorrow, ask God to help me forgive them.. again... (forgive 77 x7 or something like that) and pretend i have a normal life for 5 minutes......
                          sorry, rant over...and breath.... lol
                          "Only True Love Can Survive This"

                          -Hubby was accused - arrested in June 2015 - re-bailed December 2015 - NFA'd March 31st 2016 - SS allowed him back home to our family April 2016-


                          • #14
                            Sorry you've had a bad day. Rant away. Today I've needed hug all day So hard to keep going when no end in sight

                            Impact on children always hardest to handle its such a confusing situation for adults to deal with let alone children. Mine don't understand why something from so long ago matters.

                            I hope the school start to take a more robust approach to the bullying.

                            Big hugs to you all


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by TBG1 View Post
                              I'm afraid so. I attended a voluntary interview and was not arrested and threfore am not on bail.

                              My interview was 41 weeks ago.


                              When did it go to the cps??

