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Never give in

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  • Never give in

    Hi im posting today as this morning I was phoned by the officer in charge of my case and NFAd. I knew this was coming as i was released from bail 3 months ago and given a report for summons notice. This was done due to my Legal Representatives contacting the Home Secretary, The Commisioner for crime for my area and the Police Complaints Commision. Im one of those people that was held on relentless rebails. 2 years its taken from start to finish and now its over, so maybe letter writing does work. My story is similar to so many, a cheating wife caught in the act turned malicious accusing me of Rape over the years we were together, and very serious assaults ranging from slaps to attempted murder all fictional, partly through child custody issues and mental illness BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder). I fought my battle with very little support as i have no family, just some very loyal friends, but it is a fight that is now over. In the last 2 years i lost everything my home, my 3 daughters, i was threatened in the street and faced upto 15 years in prison innocent. But I got through it. My health isnt great now i have pains alot down my left arm (stress and heart related) i drink every day now just to relax and i havent been able to have any intimate contact or start a relationship as i cant trust people anymore. But what hurts today is the attitude of the officer, she said the reason i was never charged is through lack of evidence, or in other words she thought i was guilty. In my mind you could have sat a 3yr old infront of the evidence and been NFAd. At the time of the accusation she moved her boyfriend into our house. I was accused of injuries that were in my accusers medical records at 12 years old. I met her at 20yrs old. I had text messages saying "You dont deserve to be treated like **** anymore, I need to get the help i desperately need, you deserve better" sent while im on bail. And still she was never questioned. That stinks.

    But im here and so proud of myself, Im no Legal Expert there are people on here to deal with that but the advice i would give to anyone is NEVER EVER EVER GIVE IN, it doesnt matter how long you have to wait. Its amazing what you can take when you have too. Ive been reasonably lucky as i had good evidence, there are men in prison as i speak who are living a far worse hell than my own. My heart goes out to them and anyone who is going through this right now. NEVER LOSE HOPE I x

  • #2
    A brave story and a fantastic ending!


    Have just written letters of complaint too- I hope sometime soon, someone will take notice of us sorry souls.

    I sincerely hope you get the support you need to move on.
    Wishing you well for the future
    They tried to bury us- they didn't know we were seeds


    • #3
      What fab news IRB777! Is this just an NFA or do you think the police might investigate this as a false allegation / an attempt to PCJ?

      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

      PAFAA details ~


      • #4
        Thanks Amandf i love that " They thought they could bury us they didnt realise we were seeds" very true ive grown alot these last 2 years, Adversity really does strengthen character. Hope your letters get you somewhere, dont try your MP i did that he told me to go to Citizens Advice. Think the Commisioner for Crime has more weight due to being police. Home Secretary wont get involved and police complaints want to wait till its all over before they investigate. But it cant hurt gives you a weapon to fight with and makes you feel pro-active.


        • #5
          The officer said they had looked at the whole case and it was one persons word against another. Felt like going straight to police station with an application form for Mcdonalds for her. No offence to people who work in Mcdonalds lol.


          • #6
            Fab result, look forward not backward,your life is there just live it,leave the dark life behind you and follow the brighter future.


            • #7
              Good news

              Good news!
              So pleased that it's ended this way.
              You've been strong throughout so it's time to concentrated on you.
              Give yourself time to recover!
              It will take time but you can get up off your knees!
              In the meantime, dancing fruit!


              • #8
                What good news and with your sensible attitude I am sure you will have a great future ahead of you.

                Don't be too despondent about the OIC's comments, it's only sour grapes, it was her job to get you convicted and she failed and, what's more, she was obliged to ring you up and tell you this, lol!
                'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


                • #9
                  Thank you for your comments people, and for the ones still fighting i wish you the best of luck and an outcome that is similar to mine. Im going to check in with this site still and offer what support i can. Keep fighting and have faith in the power of the truth . I x

