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So alone and isolated with my thoughts

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  • So alone and isolated with my thoughts

    I have been going through false allegations since October 2013. After a night in a cell and 2 subsequent interviews (being bailed both times), Police and CPS have dropped the case. So I should be relieved and happy, but I am not. I have only been through the whole sorry state of abuse I received at the hands of my wife with my parents and my brother (who after hearing what I had been through for the past 4 years completely support me). But I cannot tell my extended family, friends, potential partners, my son or anyone else for that matter what I have been through because as the saying goes, mud sticks! I am so alone and in tears writing this! I would appreciate anyone who has been through this and come out the other end with a positive light, to please help me understand why me?

  • #2
    what you are feeling is entirely normal. If you haven't seen your GP recently, please go and talk to them about getting counselling. Talking is a good therapy.

    You have been through a dreadful experience and you can't expect to be as you were before - I liken it to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..

