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Can anyone help please ?

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  • Can anyone help please ?

    Hi . My daughter accused myself and my partner of sexual assult , physical abused, child neglect to the two youngest children and rapeb. We were arrested and questioned and released on bail which we have to go back for this Thursday . The police said they were not investigating the child neglect as they came to the house while we were in custody and saw the younger four children were fine . We were both allowed to go home to the children together and we have heard nothing since .
    I'm so scared about going back on Thursday . The awful lies she has told are so shocking . I don't know if because we were allowed home it is a good sign and maybe the police believe us , or will they just take her word and charge us for something that never happened ?

  • #2
    Sorry that you find yourself here, someone will be along shortly with some sound advice. Have you any idea why these accusations have been made against you?, knowing why is a start to your defence.
    Still here


    • #3
      All we know is that she told her boss the lies and her boss went to the police . My partner is her stepdad . We think she was trying to get attention from her boss . Other than that we have no idea. Would they let us home with the other children if they thought she was telling the truth? We have had no social workers come round and nobody has contacted us


      • #4
        hi shocked and scared, I'm sorry you have found yourselves in this situation. Your emotions must be all over the place. I cant offer you any legal advice but want to offer my support. the fact you have both returned home to your children seems a good sign. I hope this nightmare will be over for you as soon as possible but they can go for months being rebailed with no answers so stay strong for each other and your children. best wishes WG


        • #5
          Thank you worried girl. We have been on bail for 6 months now . Would they not have done some investigating by now?


          • #6
            I think they probably have been investigating but my partner was on bail for over a year before being charged. but if it has been 6 months and no social workers turning up and no restrictions against being with your other children seems really positive. good luck for Thursday. WG


            • #7
              I don't know what they have investigated . No one has been to the children's schools or my daughters school she went to . She said she was raped on the morning of a school exam 4 years ago , but the police haven't been to school and asked if She appeared upset or anything at all .
              They have our phones because she said we sent her an abusive txt , which we didn't , but we have heard nothing at all . My youngest daughter is 3 and no one has been in contact


              • #8
                maybe you could get your solicitor to ring the police before Thursday and see if they can get any info for you. but it seems unusual to me that you have had no social services involvement but in my experience the police are in no hurry to do anything. WG

