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Falsely accused of hstoric rape....please help!!!

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  • Falsely accused of hstoric rape....please help!!!

    Hi. My boyfriend of 34 is being charged with an alleged rape which happened 18 years ago when he was only 15 years of age. It was supposed to have happened at a party. He says he wasnt even alone with her. To make matters worse his then friend has told the police he admitted it to him at the time. He denies this also. He is due at the magistrates court this Friday. We are both worried sick. This has all come to light because the woman (alleged victim) has been seeing a psychiatrist or councillor and has told them that the event has added to her mental problems. How can they think of charging him all these years later for something he didnt even do?

  • #2
    Originally posted by sal1967 View Post
    Hi. My boyfriend of 34 is being charged with an alleged rape which happened 18 years ago when he was only 15 years of age. It was supposed to have happened at a party. He says he wasnt even alone with her. To make matters worse his then friend has told the police he admitted it to him at the time. He denies this also. He is due at the magistrates court this Friday. We are both worried sick. This has all come to light because the woman (alleged victim) has been seeing a psychiatrist or councillor and has told them that the event has added to her mental problems. How can they think of charging him all these years later for something he didnt even do?
    Hi there.

    Im going through the exact same thing and im really sorry to here your predicament.

    There are really great people here that can advise better then me. But make sure you find a solicitor that specialises in this area.

    Good luck to you guys


    • #3

      Thanks. You must be worried too. Horrible situation to be in. Can't actually believe its really happening.


      • #4
        Hi Sal

        Sorry for the late response - only just saw this.

        There seems to be a mass of historical allegations at the moment and some, of course, will be false or facts become muddled leading to false allegations.

        IG is right, good legal advice is essential - any discrepancy in date, place or time should be disclosed only to his solicitor, not the police as they would then go back and let the accuser change their statement.

        Being on the receiving end of a false allegation is shattering. It's hard to sleep, focus, live day by day as you probably already know. You have anger, fear, tears etc to cope with. It's normal.

        Is there any relationship between the FA and the then friend? Or bad feeling with your b/f that would make him spiteful?

        One of the worst motives for FAs is money, compensation, and they can apply for that even if someone is found not guilty or even if the case doesn't progress.

        Check facebook and so on, are there any clues there? Take screenshots. Can your b/f think back to any friends who will support him?

        Have you seen her statement yet? Go through it with a fine toothcomb but again, only discuss with his solicitor.

        You'll get lots more help here from the more experienced.


        • #5

          Thanks for your reply. I was mistaken when I said he was in magistrates court on Friday. He is due to be charged on Friday, then I presume it will go to magistrates court. He doesnt see the friend in question anymore and I think there was some bad feeling between them both a while ago. The friend has told the police he bumped into my boyfriend 3 years after the alleged rape at an 18th birthday party. It was, in fact, the friends 18th and he had invited my boyfriend. Not only that he 'got him' with a girl (a friend of his) who he ended up with for over 2 years. I cant see him doing that if he had admitted rape to him. You mentioned if we have seen her statement? Will he be allowed to see that when he gets charged? many thanks.


          • #6
            Originally posted by sal1967 View Post
            Thanks for your reply. I was mistaken when I said he was in magistrates court on Friday. He is due to be charged on Friday, then I presume it will go to magistrates court. He doesnt see the friend in question anymore and I think there was some bad feeling between them both a while ago. The friend has told the police he bumped into my boyfriend 3 years after the alleged rape at an 18th birthday party. It was, in fact, the friends 18th and he had invited my boyfriend. Not only that he 'got him' with a girl (a friend of his) who he ended up with for over 2 years. I cant see him doing that if he had admitted rape to him. You mentioned if we have seen her statement? Will he be allowed to see that when he gets charged? many thanks.
            From my understanding, all the evidence put forward against your partner will be examined by your solicitor to build your defense case. As your partner was 15 at the time of the accusation, he should be tried as a minor... Even though he is 34 now. Also it would come under the 1956 act not 2003.. Different law on what constitutes rape then. E.g oral wasn't classified as rape per 2003.

            Also... Your partners friend evidence may not be addmisable in court as this may be hearsay... However a established solicitor is the person to ask.

            I have been going through so much case law recently, I saw a case where a 15 year old boy raped a 5 year and got 6 months detention order...

            I really feel for you both as like I said, I'm now 30 being accused when I was 11 - 16.

            Stay strong guys

