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  • Counselling

    Its been 6 months after I was found NG. I was thinkin that I will be ok with that. But no. Last Sunday I realise that I need help as a falsely accused. And I know that I need counselling.
    If anyone know good councellor in london and not expensive please let me know.

    I hope that other members after realising that they need too go to councellor will post in this tread and other will provide any info about good councellor.

  • #2
    ask your GP - they can refer you on, there may be a wait - but you get there in the end. Well done on recognising that you need help and are not afraid to seek it.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #3
      Like RFLH said - you will be able to get referred for counselling through your GP to the Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) on the NHS. There are other organisations which will offer free counselling or other Talking Therapies. Many GP surgeries have counsellors attached to them that you can be referred to.
      It's good that you have taken the first step of admitting/recognising that you need help to get over your dreadful ordeal......You can also use Affirmations - positive statements about yourself - daily. For example, "I am strong, capable and independent person." "I am a true, honesta nd innocent person."
      "I am a good and caring friend/dad/uncle/partner/husband," 9whichever is the right one!!) Say them out loud standing iin front of a mirror looking yourself straight in the eyes. write them on special peices of paper and stick them on the inside of kitchen cupboard doors so that every time you open the door you read a positive statement about yourself, or on the bathroom mirror etc. It's like drip feeding - the messages will gradually build up within you. Be kind to yourself and don't expect too much too soon. At the end of each day, review/write down all the positive things that have happened to you. Even in your darkest days there will be something - even something so simple as watching sparrows feeding in the garden or park.........and chocolate!!!
      "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh


      • #4
        You can get free or low cost counselling from lots (probably all) of the training centres. How much you pay will depend on your financial situation. If you're interested in a specific type (psychoanlytic/humanistic/cbt etc) then have a look at a training centre that specialises in that approach. Here are some links I found:
        [ This one is a drop in but could lead to a longer term therapeutic relationship if that is what you want.

        It's great you recognised you want to talk to someone. I hope you find someone suitable.
        Last edited by friday; 18 February 2013, 11:06 PM.
        "I dreamt I went to the doctor's and she gave me eight minutes to live. I'd been sitting in the f**king waiting room half an hour." Sarah Kane (4.48 Psychosis)


        • #5
          Thank you all for posts

