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Falsely accused by a minor (well she was at the time)

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  • Falsely accused by a minor (well she was at the time)

    so sat with my friends having a nice dinner when three people force their way into my house and accuse me of raping their daughter... the girl in question has accused me of doing this when she was 14 (4 years ago) she used to come round to my house to see my housemate who was going out with her dad, she would also bring her friends with her for sleepovers (i didn't think anything of it at the time they mainly stayed in my housemates room ) now i see i should have gone out ,, but if we all knew what was going to happen in the future their would be a lot less of these threads right?

    i am using the sol. appointed to me as i have no money right now and am a little concerned by his lack of care to this case, when i was giving my interviews he told me to say no comment to everything ,,., which i did... i then phoned him to let him know i had moved (the police recommended it for my safety) and he told me their was nothing he could do as he doesn't know anything about the case and is not likely to either

    i am so worried about this as i didnt ever touch her, but am scared people will believe her .

    i have lost my job my home and all my possessions, i was meant to be moving abroad this month but all that has had to be put on hold...

    im sorry this all seems very rambled but i am not really thinking well

    (written on behalf of the accused by his housemate)

  • #2
    Hi Hurt And Confused (and your housemate)

    Yep, you've been hit by the same juggernaut as the rest of us.
    Have you been formally arrested and questioned? Bailed?
    If you don't have faith in your sol, please do some research into specialists (there is a sticky on this site for recommended legal teams).
    Be prepared for a long wait. Some of our members have been waiting for up to and over 2 years. Others have received a decision in 6 weeks. It's a bit of a lottery.
    As your case is historic there will be no forensic evidence. have you been given a date range of when these "attacks" are supposed to have occured? If so, go back through your diaries and old calendars to see if you can find any alibis.

    Why has your housemate written the post on your behalf? I'm sorry if that sounds inquisitorial. It's just unusual and is a bit like speaking through an interpreter.
    Regardless, welcome


    • #3
      Originally posted by Saffron View Post
      Hi Hurt And Confused (and your housemate)

      Yep, you've been hit by the same juggernaut as the rest of us.
      Have you been formally arrested and questioned? Bailed?
      If you don't have faith in your sol, please do some research into specialists (there is a sticky on this site for recommended legal teams).
      Be prepared for a long wait. Some of our members have been waiting for up to and over 2 years. Others have received a decision in 6 weeks. It's a bit of a lottery.
      As your case is historic there will be no forensic evidence. have you been given a date range of when these "attacks" are supposed to have occured? If so, go back through your diaries and old calendars to see if you can find any alibis.

      Why has your housemate written the post on your behalf? I'm sorry if that sounds inquisitorial. It's just unusual and is a bit like speaking through an interpreter.
      Regardless, welcome

      firstly thankyou for replying... yes i have been formally arrested and have been bailed (i have to sign on every night at the cop shop) there was no date range as i know of ... the accuser cant seem to remember the date... not helpful for me i know... i am on legal aid so have no way of paying for a sol, which majorly sucks.... as for why my housemate is writing this... i cannot read or write very well so it is kinda like having an interpreter lol...

