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falsely accused of sexual assault

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  • #16
    I am praying for you too, Jeena, women can make these allegations on the basis of something like £5? Their word is believed and an innocent mans life is thrown into turmoil? Unbelievable! I understand the police have to investigate, but if these women are found to be lying, THEY should be investigated and the innocent man be given back all the money this has cost him. Wont make his emotional state any better, but his financial one WILL be better, and if they can recoup the money from HER, so much the better! Keep coming on here for advice off people that really do understand what you are going through


    • #17
      my hubbys taxi license is suspended today. The solicitor adv to appeal and we are not sure where to appeal as it says in the letter that you may appeal againist the decision to magistrate court within 21 days. is that mean need to go through the court? court hearing is on monday anyway. can any one help?


      • #18
        Hi Jeena, if your unsure about how to make the appeal, look on the letter to see if there's a number you can ring or phone the magistrate's court to ask how you should go about it ( a letter? a form?) you should also ask your solicitor about it if he's available. As this is your husband's income you must make that clear when you make your appeal, and the fact that he has dependant relatives. Citizen's Advice Bureau should also be able to help as if this is your familie's sole income you should be entitled to benefit and the sooner you get that sorted the better.
        Although this is not relevant to you just yet, one of the few people to have been able to claim victim compensation after he was found not guilty was a taxi driver in Tauton who lost his living due to false accusations.
        Very best of luck

