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First day in court today

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  • First day in court today

    The police investigation was bias littered with lies ,the CPS only want to convict guilty or not

    Juries believe everyone is guilty before the trial.Last hope is the appeal

    Legal team are going to try to stay the trial because of lost evidence and documents but this is weighted against you now .There will be no justice for me and the scheming lying being who has accused me of this will walk away with thousands of pounds in criminal compensation and they ask for motive ,yet motive can be obvious in some cases

    Because I had legal aid witnesses who could have strengthened the defense were not found or contacted ,The police know of these witnesses yet have failed to contact them or at least that is what they are saying.

    Some one only has to accuse you of this crime without any evidence what so ever and you are convicted where are the human rights here

    Some of my evidence cannot be heard because of it being either unethical or not favoured by the court Yet the cps can say anything .

    I will tell you the outcome of this farce I will be convicted and sentenced to 12 -15 years in prison for crimes I never committed and never will admit to if I have to die in prison .My family are devastated and I feel completely hopeless.I will keep all informed if you do not hear from me again then you know my predictions have come true


  • #2
    I hope all goes well with you today. Hold your head high.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #3
      So you had a bad day in court, it's done now you can't change it but tomorrow is another day and another day for you to fight to prove your innocence.

      Don't condem yourself when you know you are innocent.



      • #4
        Good luck today Sadman

        Reading your post this morning sent shivers down my spine.

        The legal system is so one sided.

        Be Brave,thinking of you x


        • #5
          come on stay positive. you will sound defeated if you feel it already.
          as people say hold your head high you are innocent and you need to prove it.

          good luck


          • #6
            Originally posted by traumatisedrose
            Its such a rollercoaster, what seems hopeless one day, can very well turn around the next.
            Try to keep strong and positive...and your head high.
            Sadman, I really hope the best for you but what is your barrister doing???
            Please keep strong.
            Non,je ne regrette rien.


            • #7
              Hoping that all goes well for you....xxxxxx


              • #8
                day 2 in court complainant gave evidence it was a stage performance after seeing it even though I have solid proof that for most of her testimony she is lying .Strong medical evidence ,no opportunity and she is now claiming she was rape on a daily basis .The barrister was not really up to it there were may small points which he never challenge or did not open her up enough with the allegations when she was wavering .She cried and sobbed all the way through her testimony and if in trouble she could not remember was her defense and started sobbing again.The jury hanging on her every word .I had rejected one barrister because he did not have the experience in this field the second one came recommended but did not google too well.

                He got some points across but even though he has masses of information he failed to use a lot of it and advised that I should not have any family member as witnesses or should even be seen in the court so i was alone.The outlook does not look good
                how can this happen in such a strong some defense .Legal aid would not pay to find witnesses who could have alter the case .No medical expert is to be called dealing with complex medical issues.records and documents have been lost witnesses died.

                I give my testimony today ,I am pretty good at orating but I cannot turn tears on like a tap .My evidence will be informative ,logical and truthful but it will not be enough in historic sex abuse trials the whole trial is weighted against you .She will get 22000 pounds compensations satisfy her spitefulness and me 12 -15 years.

                She claims to be beaten but never any injuries ever observed by anyone .She could not describe only one of the rapes out of the alleged 100 s the she said occurred and that one would be to anyone with an ounce of logical deduction would conclude it was impossible because i was seriously ill and given only 4 months to live with a massive tomour inside me .I had a major operation chemotherapy then several other life threatening conditions .Also the cancer made me sterile impotent and total loss of libido the high does of therapy had are well known to cause this.

                I am in total disbelief that our justice system can allow this to happen this was the Labour party and tony Blair who eroded all our rights away and allowed this to happen she also made 3 or 4 statement all giving a different time when the abuse happened .first it was a 3 year period then an 11 year period then a 10 year period

                all she relies on is crying and saying it happened no proof no only a couple of very vague accounts then she can t remember

                we have to fight this because there are many innocent people in prison for something they did.

                My wife and i did not get on with some family members we have not seen them for years they hate us yet they are giving evidence against me.My mother gave me away as a child and then secretly gave away my sister the only close blood relative I had.I longed for a sister or brother and she gave her away then Denied it.My uncle was like a dad to me .we were very close and he died .I was executor and only person on his will for years we looked after him we took on holiday day trips did all his diy ran him a round in the car and went to see him 4 or 5 time s bought him food household items etc a week.My mother his sister seen him for 30 minutes a year the rest her family less that that.At the funeral we had a humanist service he was a good man but not religious.It was a lovely service but my mother came interfering pulling it all to pieces said she was next of kin she should have arranged it told me she was blood and I was not then at the funeral asked about his will and possessions went she was told she was not mentioned she wrote to his bank telling them a lot of lies but i sent the will to the bank and they said she had lied to them and apologist.Our family is horrible and now they have a chance to stick the knife in to us they are lining up to tell lies on oath at court today.

                Whats has happened to our society it is full of jealously spite and materialism .I am getting on in years now and the thought of spending my days in prison for something I did not do does not appeal to me .I thought of suicide as there seems no way out for me my family are in pieces my wife on anti depressants my son not too far behind and they are the only ones who believe me.

                I may not have the option to post on Friday as the jury will be out so I have posted now.An immigrant who wants to blow us all up gets 3 million pounds of legal aid and we cannot get enough to give us a fair trial.

                Advise to anyone else google barristers to see their record on this type of crime
                and make sure that the person representing you is not substituted for someone else from chambers with much less experience.this is a ploy being used by solicitors one high profile one with great successes will initially take on your case and the you will be passed to someone more junior or less experienced insist that you will only want that barrister and will not accept anyone else to represent you other than him or her.I think in rape cases you should try for a good woman barrister they have a bigger impact with the jury.No reflection on the male barristers its just an image issue.

                I face 12 counts tomorrow in spite of over whelming evidence I will be convicted on all 12 counts with verdicts 12 to 0 juries are so emotionally involved with sexually crimes now they allow their judgment to be clouded and most people facing these allegations will be convicted.I prepare now for appeal lets hope the judge will see more sense and examine the facts and probabilities of the event happening with a more open mind.

                the very best of luck to everyone going through this and I hope you will have better luck that i have had


                • #9
                  I am so sorry to read this Sadman, I have no advice to offer, you have done it all correctly, but it looks as if you are very poorly represented.

                  Someone will be along soon to offer you far better advice than I can. All I can say is stand tall and hold your head high, speak clearly and direct your answers to the Judge. I just hope the the jury are brighter than they sound and aren't too taken in by the crocodile tears.
                  And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                  • #10

                    Reading this, this morning breaks my heart.

                    Stay strong, take strength in your innocence and stand tall.

                    Good luck, i will be thinking of you today.x


                    • #11
                      Good advice from RFLH & J&PVTHW; just to add that the closing speech from your barrister is what the jury will remember when they retire, if you can think of anything that he ought to say or emphasize, give him a prompt.

                      Will be thinking about you...
                      'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


                      • #12
                        Stay strong for giving your testimony today Sadman.

                        CH makes the point about the closing speech and you have some strong points from what you have written.

                        I will be thinking of you today x


                        • #13
                          Thinking of you today Sadman. Courage and Strength.


                          • #14
                            FFS man. Hang on in there!

                            I'm sending you positive thoughts and really hoping for the best.

                            Wow... A signature option!


                            • #15
                              Sorry to hear you are feeling so bad about this.

                              It is not over yet, hang in there.
                              "Be sure your sin will find you out"

                              Numbers 32:23

