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Can you please help me

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  • Can you please help me

    Hey, I was wondering if you could help us please.
    Myself and my current girlfriend have created this account together.

    I am 28 and my ex partner and I were trying to work things out, we were arguing for months, I had called off our engagement, I had paid her for her half of the dog so I could keep him.

    One night we went out, then we argued, then we made up, it was always like this. we had make up sex, the same type of sex, normal sex, like we had had for the last two years, nothing out of the ordinary, my flat mate was in the house on the telephone next door.

    We argued again, we knew we weren't meant to be together, she wanted her stuff, I offered to help her pack, she refused. We weren't shouting. I think she called the police from our flat, then said goodbye calmly to my flat mate and myself.

    Within the hour the police turned up and arrested me. I stayed in over night, my sister picked me up, I was on bail. I stayed at her house, she picked up my dog and we drove to my mothers 4 hours away where I stayed for the weekend. She made me drive back to London, to go into work and inform them of what had happened. It was embarrassing, upsetting, humiliating, heart wrenching.

    A week later I was at a function, and met a friend through a friend, who opened up about going through the courts at the time with her ex partner for assault. Over the months we became friends, being able to help each other with the worry and concern. We are now in a relationship, not really a sexual one but we trust and make each other happy. I think when two people are a mess and they find each other they are able to help each other.

    I am not young, I am 28 and a Lawyer, of internet policies, not criminal law. I notified work of this at the time, 3months later after the initial accusation I went to the police station and was formerly charged. I have been suspended from work, because of this. It is less than 2 weeks till my first initial court date where I will plead not guilty.

    On my mothers life, I did not force sex upon my ex. It was fully consented.
    I know enough about Law to know how the system works, however Rape is not my specialised field.

    I can't sleep anymore. I'm over eating, then under eating, I'm moody, and stressed. I'm so scared. My friends and family are supporting me, my work colleagues believe me, but have to follow procedures.

    I feel that my ex is revengeful that I did not want her back, and wanted to ruin my life. I heard that she flew out a week after the alleged incident to a party place in Europe and been partying, for 6months and acting slutty. Mutual friends have provided photographs of her in revealing clothes pole dancing that have been uploaded onto facebook soon after the alleged date.

    I know that I am innocent, that I am lucky to have a new girlfriend that loves me and believes me, and my family, friends and work colleagues have been so supportive, also that the evidence proving that I am innocent, a statement from my flatmate stating that she was fine.

    I worry because I am a lawyer, that convicting me would be a big tick in the CPS book.

    I think I'm looking for reassurance, a friend who knows what I am going through. My Barristers and solicitors are amazing, recommended by a friend. Please if any of you know what I am going through can you please help.

    I will not survive in prison. I can't bare to be in London any more, I hate it, I dream about her chasing me. It is taking over my life. please. x

  • #2
    Hopefully you will not go to prison, should the worst happen and you do - you will survive, its not easy but its do-able.

    I'm pleased you have a good legal representative, you will need one. I hope you've kept screenshots of her - do not give this information to the police. They could turn round and say that its out of character and its only because of what you have done to her that has made her act this way - crazy, but possible.

    I know its easier said than done, but try not to let it take over your life, go out and try to enjoy the festive season.

    I'm also pleased that you have found someone that you can talk to about this - it really does help.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #3
      Thank you

      Thank You for responding so quickly.
      I can't stop thinking about it.
      Yes I have screen shots with the date, and comments underneath.
      I really believe the police are trying to screw me over.


      • #4
        others will be along soon to add their thoughts too. Keep posting, it does help.
        And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


        • #5
          hi i think you have done all you can do at the moment. you have got a good defence team that is brilliant for you, hopefully they will be able to show her for what she is.
          it isn.t easy waiting for the outcome of these accusations, i know first hand what it means to you and your family, but please try to carry on as best you can. don.t let it take up your life, we have all been through this on this site.some get happy news and sadly like in our case some don.t. but we are all here for you supporting you every step of the way, their are some fantastic people on here who have helped me in my darkest moments stay strong


          • #6
            Hello Mr Mod and Miss Punk and welcome to the forum

            I love your username, by the way!

            This is sadly and all-too familiar scenario. The ex gets chucked and wreaks her revenge in the worst possible way.

            You sound as though in practical terms you have done all you can for the time being - writing things down; taking screen shots of communications/facebook etc; got a good legal team on board. All I can offer you therefore is my emotional support.

            If/when you get charged, then you can really get your boxing gloves on. Until then it's a waiting game I'm afraid.

            Hang in there. We will support you in any way we can.


            • #7
              I feel a bit better

              Thank You so much, it is so reassuring that you guys are out there. I had to ring my ex ex girl friend for a statement today, about what type of boyfriend I was, she is also a lawyer, and although we are very much on friendly terms she says she has to think about it. I understand that. She has her career too to think of.
              I feel like I have gone over that night over and over again. It makes me sick. I have booked a doctors appointment for Friday so hopefully they will prescribe sleeping pills.
              I don't know how you guys are able to keep to so strong. I rung my mother this evening to have a chat, she's taking it completely to heart. I feel so guilty for them watching this, its all such a mess. I hate my life.


              • #8
                Try not to think that way, it'll drag you down even more - conserve your emotions.

                Well done for going to the doc's, you'll get help you need there too.
                And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                • #9
                  12 more days to go.

                  It is 12 more days to go, till the first court hearing. My sister went to university with my ex, so she's writing a statement about my ex's character, and also getting another mutual friend to do so. I am aware that at her university she saw a shrink, would I be able to get his name, and ask him for a statement? My current girl friend is going statement crazy, and requesting statements from everyone. Can there be too many statements?
                  I would love for this to arrive in 12 days time, and for her to admit she was lying. I know that is not going to happen, she gave a video interview, I watched it, she laughed at parts of it, some parts were very vague and brief, she forgot my middle name. She also did an internal examination, that can back clear. Could that be proof enough that I didn't force sexual intercourse with her?


                  • #10
                    With regard to the internal exam, it depends exactly what she is alleging. If she is claiming you penetrated her by force, one would think that the exam would have revealed some evidence of trauma. However, if she is claiming that you had sex with her while she was asleep, or too drunk to consent, etc, there would not necessarily be evidence of vaginal trauma.

                    Good luck for the hearing. Try to keep your chin up. And do keep posting - it's better out than in.


                    • #11
                      as far as I am aware she is not claiming that she was asleep, she did however have a few drinks that evening.

                      It is one week now till 13th December, a met up with a friend this evening, I explained the situation, and he again was shocked. We went make to mine, and we checked his facebook for evidence of her acting inappropriately before the alleged incident, but now she has deleted him as a friend. I feel annoyed that I have lost out on evidence, wishing I had of asked my friend sooner. Due to work commitments this was the only day he could do. Am worried that she is really going through with this? We were engaged, I know her so well, I can't believe in all honesty that she would take it this far expecting her lies to be believed.
                      Today however my mortgage request for a house outside London has finally been accepted, for a brief few hours I was able to celebrate, and then I remember about all this. I can't bare to live in London any more.
                      My sister saw my solicitor today, we have statements coming in from left, right and centre.
                      So, on next week, December 13th is my preliminary hearing, where I plead not guilty and a date will be set. How long do you think it will be till the next court date?
                      Many Thanks MrMod&MissPunk xxx


                      • #12
                        it depends how many other cases are on, could be three weeks or could be more.

                        Congratulations on the mortgage, something else to focus on!
                        And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                        • #13
                          Omg!! 3 weeks, I was expecting spring next year at the earliest.


                          • #14
                            Do you mean a date for Crown Court? Usually it is longer than 3 weeks. As RFLH said, it depends on the caseload at the court, and also on what evidence has to be assessed by both the defence and the prosecution.

                            The main thing you need to focus on is Motive. Why would she make up such an allegation? That is what the jury will be wondering. Most normal people would never lie about something as horrible as being raped - what is her motivation? Revenge possibly, but could there be something else? Is she in financial difficulty? The compensation paid to victims of rape runs into thousands of pounds. Was she seeing anyone else, and used Rape as an alibi? Is she an attention seeker? Try to think about her character - has she previously been a drama queen? Victim status is a very powerful sympathy-draw.

                            You said "as far as I am aware she is not claiming that she was asleep" have you actually seen her statement yet? Once you get to see that you can start picking it apart.

                            I truly do understand the horrific, gut-wrenching fear that you and your partner are going through. Take it a day at a time, and try to focus on good thoughts.


                            • #15
                              My husband was accused of rape falsely and arrested sept 2010 even though the allegation was made in July 2010 he went to trial in July 11 and was aquitted I hope it works out for u the aftermath though cN be as hard to deal with as the waiting

