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Please help advice needed

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  • Please help advice needed

    Hi not sure what to put! my brother was arrested and bailed after has being falsely accused of rape, the person who has made this alligation is our niece who lived with us, the girl who would never go home!

    she has done some terrible things in the past such as accusing her step dad of sexually pleasuring himself in front of her an trying to get her to join in! which 2 this day she said it was true! over the years this woman has had a child, and let her child stay most nights in the same house as the accused. she has stole thosands of pounds for her drug addition from my parents , got loans out an cars on finance and sold them at my parents address! also last year was a prostitute,

    I could go on an on of what THE VICTIM has done! she has told everyone in my neighborhood but they all support my brother as thay know of her capabilities! anyway he has been rebailed but it states shes the victim! why is this? i thought everyone was inoccent till proven guilty? the police seem to be very one sided she plays a good role they avent a clue of what there dealing with! sorry bout the spelling this as taken me a while to pluck up the courage to write this!! x he has a solicitor he seems very good and was recommended by an advisor.
    Last edited by Saffron; 9 November 2011, 08:32 AM. Reason: Adding paragraphs for ease of reading.

  • #2
    sorry to hear that,you might want to do your own research on solicitors


    • #3
      Hi Kath and welcome

      Unfortunately the police and CPS will refer to her as the "victim" as a matter of course. I prefer the word "complainant" or "accuser" myself! Their investigation will be completely one-sided. They are not looking for evidence to prove that the "rape" didn't happen, they are only interested in evidence which "proves" it did.

      It's good your brother has lots of local support. That will be invaluable.

      The main thing that I can see in all this is that she allowed her child to stay in the same house as the alledged attacker. That seems very strange behaviour to me. If someone had raped me I wouldn't let me children anywhere near them! It sounds as though her credibility is shot to hell.

      Hang in there. Others will no doubt be along soon with more advice. In the meantime, welcome.


      • #4
        Yes, welcome Kath.

        As Saffron said, the police are not interested in anything which disproves their case - especially the little niggle that your brother might actually be innocent.

        The aim of the police in recent years now seems to be to regard all accusations as true, and to merely seek to collect anything and everything which will give them more than a 51% chance of getting a conviction.
        And while they're at it, it also means getting rid of (or "losing") anything which sheds doubt to the validity of the Accuser's allegation.

        This means you must get rid of the idea we all grow up with - that the police are honest and decent - they aren't, and will stab you in the back at the first chance, while smiling to your face.

        Unfortunately, although everything you've mentioned about your niece shows what a nasty piece of work she is, it's unlikely that those facts would be admissible in court, as everyone is deemed to be of good character. See how weighted the system is? You can't even let the truth get said.

        At the moment it's going to be your brother's word against hers in court, and not knowing the details of what "happened" (don't put them up here, as it's public) it's hard to know what to say to help.
        Except gather anything which casts doubt on this girl's story - any emails or texts she sends you or your brother should be saved on another format (screenshot onto memory stick etc) and given to your solicitor.

        Under NO circumstances give anything like this to the police in the vain attempt to prove the case is fraud and to get it dropped or NFA'd. It won't, and the police will conveniently lose it hoping it's your only copy.


        • #5
          shes sick

          thankyou for responding, sometimes all u need is someone 2 take the time and listen instead of judgin. she is implying that the reason she is a **** mum and a coke head is because of my brother! also she is telling people she is getting alot of money for this? is this true?


          • #6
            It would be, yes. The going rate for being "a rape victim" is many thousands, currently.


            • #7
              Originally posted by kath View Post
              thankyou for responding, sometimes all u need is someone 2 take the time and listen instead of judgin. she is implying that the reason she is a **** mum and a coke head is because of my brother! also she is telling people she is getting alot of money for this? is this true?

              How do you know this and would these people be prepared to make a statement confirming this? It could be used as evidence going towards motive
              People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

              PAFAA details ~


              • #8
                RF is spot on there. If she is telling people that she will get lots of money in compensation, it shows a very strong motive. Would any of the people who claim she has said this be prepared to make a statement to your bro's solicitor?
                They would need to have heard it from her first hand, "from the horse's mouth" so to speak in order for it to be admissible.

