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need advice please on false allegation

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  • #31
    Mortons - you appear to have some good knowledge of this - are you in the legal trade?
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #32
      I started off thinking that you know what you are talking about but sadly it seemed that you went a tad off-track.

      Who are you?
      People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

      PAFAA details ~


      • #33
        Originally posted by RFLH View Post
        Mortons - you appear to have some good knowledge of this - are you in the legal trade?

        I started off thinking that they may be but......
        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

        PAFAA details ~


        • #34
          we shall have to wait for a reply!
          And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


          • #35
            I work in criminal defence (Not a solicitor myself)

            Was doing a general legal search on google and it brought up this forum.
            Having dealt with a heck of a lot of false rape allegations I felt I could add a perspective to some of the messages. (where people were asking about bail, conditions and their solicitor)

            Obviously nothing in terms of legal advice that anyone would seek to rely on.
            Hope this post helps. But this post does not constitute legal advice, nor a contract/agreement for it.


            • #36
              It sounds like you are a bit like me. I would appreciate it if you would PM me. Thanks.
              People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

              PAFAA details ~


              • #37
                I have no restrictions on my bail the police bailed me so i could go to afghan where im sending these messages from. The police have been good to me when it first started there was no rush for me to go to the police station they worked on when i could get there. In my interview my solicitor said with the questions they have asked they dont have enougth evidence. They also told me everything she had said in her interview (is this normal can they do that). I have not spoken to my solisitor since i got arrested in june/july been that long now cant remember. The police gave me there number should i ring them to see how it is going or what? Should i speak to my solisitor my only problem is been in afghan.


                • #38
                  First port of call is the solicitor. I'd avoid calling the Police.

                  They won't have told you 'everything' but they will have laid out the just of the statement as they interviewed you, could be quite detailed of course.

                  Can you email your solicitor?

                  How are you managing to access 'here' whilst in Afghanistan? I only ask as you might be wanting to keep things out of your co-workers eyes and minds and your security could be compromised if you're on a general network/computer.
                  Wow... A signature option!


                  • #39
                    Hey buddy im due to report back to police station today so ill let you know later on waht happens ive not heard anything either way at the moment im bracing myself to be charged.

                    Sorry to hear about your blokes hope their families are doing ok.

                    Im heading further south with USMC (hurrah) when i get out after the obligatory few days at bastion.

                    Good luck mate.


                    • #40
                      fingers crossed for you billy.
                      And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                      • #41
                        still nothing

                        Well thats my tour over thank god. Comin upto a year next month and im still none the wiser had my bail date yesterday that i didnt attened police where very helpfull for me knowing that i couldnt make it due to getting back from afghan. However they didnt ring back with a new date so going to have to chase that one up. My solicitor said still waiting for cps to make a decision can anyone please tell me why a year later i still havent hurd anything. I know 2 cases are not the same but billykickass (both accused round the same time) seems to be progressing and im still in the same place i was ayear ago is this anything to worry about...


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by LFC6198 View Post
                          Well thats my tour over thank god. im still in the same place i was ayear ago is this anything to worry about...
                          Well done & great that you're back safely: I get a sick feeling every time I hear " The MOD have announced...."

                          As for this comparatively trivial issue (i.e. it's not life or death choices) my best guess is that the police marked the file 'serving overseas' and the CPS thought 'great, that's one we don't need to worry about just now' and pushed it to the back of the box.

                          On the other hand several other members have also been waiting months; it's an unfortunate consequence of the present deluge of false accusations.
                          'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by LFC6198 View Post
                            .. My solicitor said still waiting for cps to make a decision can anyone please tell me why a year later i still havent hurd anything. I know 2 cases are not the ...
                            Let me tell you something
                            Iv been arrested in march last year. Charged November and my trial should start end of April. Now my trial is moved for another few months ( thanks to Gerry ;-) )
                            So its gonna be like 17 months waiting for the result.

                            It's soooo long :-/

                            And after reading your posts I think that you should tell your wife. I did and she is supporting me in evey way.


                            • #44
                              Thanks i really want to tell her but what is the right time. My mum said to tell her everything and my uncle has said just tell her you have been accused but dont go into the detail about it all.
                              I thik the best thing is to tell her this has really affected my relationship with her i dont want to touch her cause i feel guilty. She thinks i dont love her cause i wont touch her and it causes alot of arguments. Im also scared to lose my kids they are my world. Comin back off tour should be a happy time but my mum said lookin at my pictures of us all that i look like im carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders. I wish i would wake up and its just a dream.


                              • #45
                                My husband didn't tell me for 2 1/2 years whilst this was going on. I found out when he was found guilty at court martial and the welfare officer turned up at my door. Before this we had started going to relate because our marriage was in trouble. I didn't know at the time, but it was because of all the stress my husband was under, he hardly touched me and became withdrawn. I knew something was wrong but I didn't know what, I though he didn't love me anymore.

                                Thoughout all of this my husbands biggest regret is that he didn't tell me. I could have supported him and helped him with the case. He spent more time trying to hide this from me then he did on looking at the case, which is probably why he was found guilty! This wasn't just his case, we were in it together. We live in an army quarter, he is going to lose his pension pay out so we can't buy a house etc etc.... so this isn't just about him. Your wife will be distraught, she'll be angry but if she loves you and is strong enough she will support you and get your though this.

                                There is a good chance she will find out eventually, you owe it too her so that she can plan for all possibilities. I will always regret that I wasn't given the chance to help my husband. If he had told me before the trial started I would have been better prepared, instead of the massive shock of the Adj and Welfare officer at my door - I though he was dead! If he had told me there was a chance he was going to jail, I wouldn't have bought a load of new furniture, booked a holiday, got Olympic tickets - now constant reminders of the future we were looking forward to :-(

