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One Night in Preston

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  • One Night in Preston

    I was parked up overnight in preston last wednesday outside fitness first. its a regular overnight stop for me as i can use the gym.

    I will go into more detail with any helping listeners but suffice to say at 1am my truck was surrounded by four or more police cars and i was taken to preston police station. Here i was charged with Male Rape.

    The lad involved had been in my truck not really by my invite and not for long i also suspect he had spiked my drink and had some malicious agenda in doing so either robbery or assault or both.
    I am on bail till December 6th and have never been arrested before so this is new and scary terretory for me.

    Thanks and appreciated for the advice i hope is forth coming

  • #2

    glad you found your way here, but not the circumstances you find yourself in. It must be VERY worrying. Keep coming back and we will do what we can to help.


    • #3
      thanks witsend

      i like ur handle as that is where im at atm
      yeah being arrested is something iv never had before never mind for an allegation such as this


      • #4
        Dear truckerpete
        Hope you are holding up OK? Scared, hurt, angry, confused, gather you are feeling all of these? Have you got anybody to support you through this ordeal? Try to keep strong, you are in my thoughts and prayers

