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please help me

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  • please help me

    In july my 13 year old son was accussed of rape , I know we all say this but he didnt do what this girl is saying, he had to go back on 6th october only to be told that there was no newws and has to go back on 13th November , well tonight my neighbour poped in , al who know my son are saying no way , she said this girls mother had knocked on her door and asked for her to do a character ref for her daughter as she needs this for when the case goes to court , also said that she had been told that we were in court last tuesday and he has been bailed again as they are still gathering edvience against him , and the judge said that he will going back really soon , none of this is true but why is her solictor telling her these things , our solictor said that the police have no news -he is really good and phoned us even before we went back on the 6th , he was charged with sexual touching but she is saying her solictor is gping to charge him with rape
    I am so confused and crying all the time , -----my son has a problem anyway with his penis which the police doctor said will mean unless it is sorted he will never have a normal releationship
    How long does the cps normally take please and what might happen and the mother is saying that it will go to court

    many thanks from

    desperate mum

  • #2
    Extract: also said that she had been told that we were in court last tuesday and he has been bailed again as they are still gathering edvience against him , and the judge said that he will going back really soon , none of this is true but why is her solictor telling her these things
    I bet that the girl's solicitor is not telling her anything. The Crown solicitors do not have direct contact with witnesses until it gets to Crown court. I think the mother is making this up.
    People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

    PAFAA details ~


    • #3
      Hi Sophie and welcome.
      I am so sorry to hear of what you are going through.

      Don't listen to the gossip - that is all it is. Your son's accuser should not need character references - she is not the one being investigated! If your son has to answer bail in November then I am guessing he has not yet even been charged, let alone made any court appearances. This girl's mum is lying. Write down what you have been told and give it to your solicitor, with the name of the person who told you this.

      A solicitor cannot charge anyone, the only people who decide whether to charge are the CPS. As Rights Fighter said, the accuser and her family will not have had any contact with a prosecuting solicitor at this stage. It sounds to me as though they are trying to convince other people that this "rape" did happen.

      Hang in there. Get yourself to the doctors and tell him/her what is is going on. Thinking of you.



      • #4
        just to let you all know---the police have phoned and there will be no charges -nothing --because there is no edvience against him



        • #5
          Oh brilliant news!

          It might be worth you asking the police if they intend to try to prosecute her to wasting police time and per/or perverting the course of justice.
          People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

          PAFAA details ~


          • #6
            that is good news. I agree with RF - there's no harm in asking. It may not be the first time she's done this.
            And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


            • #7
              you and your son must be so relieved. thats brilliant news.
              "I dreamt I went to the doctor's and she gave me eight minutes to live. I'd been sitting in the f**king waiting room half an hour." Sarah Kane (4.48 Psychosis)


              • #8
                Great news, so pleased for you!

