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advise needed!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • advise needed!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i was accused for sexual assault that happened 11 years ago when i was at the age 15 im now 24 , can this stand in court ? pls advise needed

  • #2
    Hi Devastated, I'm afraid that it can - it's usually one persons word against anothers with no 'evidence' as such. But it doesn't necessarily mean that you will be found guilty.

    Have you been charged? Have you got legal representation? You need someone who specialises in these offences.
    And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


    • #3
      hi , i havent been charged as yet ,as it's a family member that is making this accusuation , i dont know if they will bring the police into this but i need to make sure if something does go to court as this is so traumatizing as it is , in regards with a legal rep , havent got one as yet but i have family members whom i have support from , however i am afraid as this will leave a permanent mark


      • #4
        It will if it does go as far as the police - even if nothing comes of it.

        It will always show up on a CRB check.

        What you can start to do is to list everything down that you can remember, no matter how small. If the worst happens, do not divulge anything that can be twisted and used against you. No dates, as the police do love to move the goal posts.
        Last edited by RFLH; 4 August 2009, 12:10 PM.
        And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


        • #5
          thanks will do , thanks for your wisdom in this concern , i will be having a meeting with them with the family , my girl firnd would like to go with woould you advise that?


          • #6
            Get everyone you can involved

            I recommend everyone and anyone you can to get involved and hopefully they can help support you and put across the truth !!

            As has been stated as soon as the police get their dirty hands on any accusation your reputation and card is marked FOR LIFE. You would be amazed at how they twist and collude with accusers (and others like CPS and lawyers) to get the story they need for convictions.

            Also as has been said should the Police question you make sure your on the ball and question them as much as they question you - it might help you later to prove the investigation was flawed. But all it takes is for anyone to say something and you could face A LONG TIME INSIDE. Like so many others I know !! Its no joke the system is completely corrupt they dont usually catch sex offenders they manufacture them instead !!

            As for the truth and justice? You live in Britain, and often the judicial isnt interested in either only gaining convictions.

            Sorry if it sounds damning and all bad, its not always but can so easy be - its just knowing who to talk to when how and why. But be warned the system and state will often do little to nothing to help you !! its not interested.......


            • #7
              is there any advice to resolve this outside the court ?


              • #8
                I guess something must have triggered her action and accusation so best you try to find out what first. People dont accuse for no reason but the reason could be to avenge something someone or just help pay off some bills or as a distraction from something else.

                Your best not doing anything and letting the family try and sort it out before the Police get involved when they do all hell could be let loose. But really you dont want to do anything that harms your case so be VERY carefull.

                I guess if the family can't sort it out internally, it will then be left to the courts !! Who would members of the family support and why - her or you?

                As you can probably guess this could get very messy and dirty and the accusations become a slanderous game of tick and tack and the focus of the case moves to ones "bad habits" and "lifestyle" NOT the actions being proposed and suggested. This is used to distract the jury and deem you a BAD person !! Believe you me this is one of their many tricks and they know it works.


                • #9
                  I'd gather your troops behind you find a legal representative in case one is needed. She may well decide not to do anything, but if you go steaming in, you leave her with no choice but to try and prove she's right and your the wicked person.

                  You can't really do anything until she involves the police - at the moment it sounds as though she talking to cause trouble for you, especially if you're happy with someone else.
                  And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                  • #10
                    thanks , however you got this situation wrong , its my younger cousin that accusing me of this and he is male


                    • #11
                      Ok let me first apologise cos I obviously missed that important point and RF and others would be on my case to remind me both male and females accuse !

                      But in truth all allegations are as bad, and there all as dangerous - its just the level of potential damage thats variable.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by devastated View Post
                        i was accused for sexual assault that happened 11 years ago when i was at the age 15 im now 24 , can this stand in court ? pls advise needed
                        You say the assault "happened 11 years ago...."

                        You've not said whether any incident occurred that might have been the usual childlike experimentation - for instance I used to play "nurses and doctors!"

                        Are you saying something occurred that has now been misinterpreted? or that nothing occurred in any event?

                        You might be able to get a free interview with a criminal defence solicitor who specialises in false allegations of historic sexual abuse. However that depends on your income and the good will of such a solicitor.

                        Could you let me know whereabouts in the UK you are? Please do not identify a town as such, just say something like, Midlands, South West, North West, etc and I will see if I know an experienced solicitor who might be able to advise you further.
                        People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                        PAFAA details ~


                        • #13
                          sorry devastated - sadly male/female makes no odds - both make false allegations.

                          Is he going through a tough time at the moment? I'm just wondering why he suddenly 'remembered' these things.
                          And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


                          • #14
                            It's possible that the complainant is in dire need of some money (often found in "compensation" after making allegations of sexual abuse).

                            Or he could be having some sort of emotional problems and has had counselling, where the thought has been implanted that he was sexually abused as a child.
                            People Appealing Convictions of Sexual Offences ~

                            PAFAA details ~


                            • #15
                              It takes a certain type of person to make any false allegation against someone else and there always has to be atleast one motive behind it. The fact is, in his mind he has set himself an objective and this is the method he has chosen - your challenge is to understand as we have all said what and why.

                              Unfortunately, you probably don't know enough about what he is thinking at the moment to act positively, you might have to let others help or wait until something else happens.

                              All you can do is prepare yourself as best you can to fight your innocence and hope that the truth and justice prevail.

