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Innocent Men convicted of rape

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  • Innocent Men convicted of rape

    (Posted on old forum on Tuesday, July 06, 2004)

    Reading the Daily Mail this morning - page 33, Harriet Harman's view of increasing numbers of convictions in rape cases.

    I am the wife of a convicted man. My husband spent 3 years in prison for a "trumped-up" charge made by his ex-wife. She was mentally unbalanced, self-harming, lying, cheating on him - spent all his money from his bank accounts, not taking care of the two children - and he was frightened of leaving her in case of her harming the children of the household. My husband unfortunately could not read or write so did not know that they were ?5,000 in debt due to her taking control of the bank account and withdrawing monies from it. She wanted to regain control of the Bank accounts when he found out about the debt and was trying to pay the debts off and because he refused to allow this, self harmed to her genital regions and accused my husband of raping her. She bottled herself up her anus. No witnesses were involved. Just her word against his. Unfortunately his was accused of this by Direction of the Judge and spent 3 years in prison.

    Since then she destroyed the family home, put the son of the marriage into foster care - who is now mentally unbalanced. The daughter has always stood by my husband. Fortunately he is out of jail now and we have a new life. We were married 6 months after he was released from jail. ALL HIS FAMILY AND FRIENDS KNEW THIS WOMEN - and knew what she was like - !! Unfortunately several important defence witnesses where not allowed to give evidence and his ex-wife would not permit her medical records to be obtained. I understand what other partners have gone through - the effect of my husband was terrible to see when he was away - an innocent man with known sex offenders and the trauma we went through was unbelievable!! Why not name the women who accuse these men. My husband was beaten by his ex-wife on numerous occasions but was too proud to "say" he was being beaten by his Wife? I have met many women in my situation whose partners for some reason of their own (can't obtain monies or whatever they want?) accuse and in this System (which stinks to high heaven) !!! and went through what we did. The name of the accuser should be published - may put many of them off - by the way, my husband's ex-wife received ?15,000 in compensation, Half the house, which was re-possessed when my husband went to jail - she has now gone-to-ground - I hope she is in the gutter where she belongs!! My husband is now labelled as a "sex offender" for life by the way on the order of the so called judge - !! Thankfully this has made us stronger!!! We have been to the CCRC but we can't get anyway because they say we have no new evidence! Unless she admits falsely accusing him!! This new law if it is brought in will destroy more lives than before - I still know partners of innocent men who are still in jail and are still suffering!! His ex-wife still rings up her son and taunts him about what she is going to accuse my husband off next????? Nuts or what!!! Since he has come out of jail, she is threatening to make false accusations about him!! I think some jealousy there because he has done well for himself and is happily married but we still feel threatened because of her!! I know of families who have broken up because of this - falsely being accused. Any women can do it?? I could tomorrow?? My word against his?? Fortunately I am a sane woman who loves my husband - and have done through all this. Makes you THINK, DOESN'T IT HOW MANY HUSBANDS ARE LIVING IN FEAR OF THEIR WIVES OF PARTNERS ?? Why does the law always take the women's side??

    Harriet Harmen - GET REAL - JUDGES GET REAL, WOMEN SHOULD BE NAMED AND SHAMED JUST LIKE THE MEN - less convictions I think!!!!??

  • #2
    I know exactly how you feel my son went through the same sort of thing he was accused by a serial accuser who has now been put on the register. I totally agree with everything you have said ... I wish you and your new husband all the best stay strong and stand proud hopefully she can't and wont do anymore damage luv maria x


    • #3
      Dear Abbey just by chance i read your terrible story and then by surprise I saw that my own mum had left u a response. My mum kept me with it! As silly as it may sound during my experience my mum got cancer and 2 this day I blame myself and every night I think (if this girl didn?t do this 2 me, the stress would never of made my mum go through such a terrible illness) I have been so lucky 2 have every1 stand by me. By far it don?t take away the anger the pain and the sadness that I truly believe will never go away, but you being strong and supporting your husband makes it that bit easier and believe me makes a difference. U stay strong and I wish u both all the very best.
      Take care, Shane

