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TV news OFF

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  • TV news OFF

    Maybe I'm probably now hyper sensitive due to being accused but this is the last time I bother to watch UK news.

    Is it me or is the news becoming more and more sexual allegation hysterical? It seems 70% of broadcast story's are now sexual related.


    One thing that I find the most disturbing new trend... Seeing more and more people being interviewed by the news saying they have been abused / assaulted etc and the news broadcasting it BEFORE anyone has even been investigated by the police / judged by a court of law.

    How is it people are allowed to throw mud via national TV for these type of allegations before anyone has even been found guilty. Non famous people such as teachers etc getting the flack on TV with these story's before investigation. It just makes no sense in 2014 a western democracy allows people to come out and sell story's to the media and it be broadcast and presented that it must be 100% true. These "victims" being hailed as brave and heroic every time but they don't actually say well of course this hasn't actually been proven to be true yet or even investigated.

    Really makes me think where is this all heading? Just what is the media trying to achieve who are as much to blame as government and police, each fuelling the wheel of fire to turn. Its obvious with lots of high profile test cases being brought forward with little evidence to open more flood gates. But I think flood gates to what.... Perhaps lowering the barriers to get people convicted very easily on someones word alone.
    It seems that wheel of fire will destroy anyone who dares to question its path, with famous people who speak out against it logically but get shot down in flames with quotes from Charity's saying they are despicable for suggesting such a thing. When one dares to speak against it they are ridiculed and have the spot light placed against them which is why I think there is nobody able to apply the brakes to the national hysteria for fear of being labelled by the media as a monster.

    I guess the dark days are only just beginning, until some very very high profile people are found guilty and later proven innocent will the light begin to shine on false allegations.

  • #2
    Great post,totally agree.


    • #3
      i dont watch tv now

      Originally posted by tigertiger View Post
      Maybe I'm probably now hyper sensitive due to being accused but this is the last time I bother to watch UK news.

      Is it me or is the news becoming more and more sexual allegation hysterical? It seems 70% of broadcast story's are now sexual related.


      One thing that I find the most disturbing new trend... Seeing more and more people being interviewed by the news saying they have been abused / assaulted etc and the news broadcasting it BEFORE anyone has even been investigated by the police / judged by a court of law.

      How is it people are allowed to throw mud via national TV for these type of allegations before anyone has even been found guilty. Non famous people such as teachers etc getting the flack on TV with these story's before investigation. It just makes no sense in 2014 a western democracy allows people to come out and sell story's to the media and it be broadcast and presented that it must be 100% true. These "victims" being hailed as brave and heroic every time but they don't actually say well of course this hasn't actually been proven to be true yet or even investigated.

      Really makes me think where is this all heading? Just what is the media trying to achieve who are as much to blame as government and police, each fuelling the wheel of fire to turn. Its obvious with lots of high profile test cases being brought forward with little evidence to open more flood gates. But I think flood gates to what.... Perhaps lowering the barriers to get people convicted very easily on someones word alone.
      It seems that wheel of fire will destroy anyone who dares to question its path, with famous people who speak out against it logically but get shot down in flames with quotes from Charity's saying they are despicable for suggesting such a thing. When one dares to speak against it they are ridiculed and have the spot light placed against them which is why I think there is nobody able to apply the brakes to the national hyisteria for fear of being labelled by the media as a monster.

      I guess the dark days are only just beginning, until some very very high profile people are found guilty and later proven innocent will the light begin to shine on false allegations.
      i dont watch tv anymore or read papers because it makes me sick an allegation of sexual abuse becomes like a modern day witch hunt and woe betide anyone who questions an allegation at work etc...unthinkable!! thought in this country it was innocent until proven guilty (mistakenly or otherwise) i just cant read a paper now because once youve actually been in this situation you realise each headline is someones son, brother, husband...and you also know that there are two sides to every story but the paper will only be interested in printing one.


      • #4
        For those who don't read the papers or watch TV - KEN BARLOW = NOT GUILTY (hurrah)

        - hoping this isn't my only banana opportunity


        • #5
          Well done ken from Corry, I knew he was innocent. It is about time the CPS who make these mistakes are sacked. Also tigermum you are right about the media being part of the witch hunt. I will not be voting for any government that supports media coverage of men and boys before they are declared guilty. The justice system is a shambles, I wonder how many cases there are where the case was dropped due to 'not enough evidence' which really means the woman was making a false allegation. I bet there as been no study on the amount, I wonder ? What is the government trying to hide?


          • #6
            Hoooray! Good to hear the truth shine out. Common sense prevailed and a jury saw through the lies. I hope he and his family are able to rebuild their lives now.

            May everyone else affected by these vicious lies follow the same positive outcome.

            A well deserved kick in the teeth to the CPS test case witch hunt campaign.


            • #7
              Yes,good to hear about the Ken Roach case,sometimes feels weird to say things like that as most of the witch hunt population had him guilty and sadly many will still think he is.
              Nobody understands like the people on here,been having a bad day after a fall out with someone who just doesn't understand how hard this is and that being involved in it takes over your life.
              Gives you hope that truth can prevail.


              • #8
                - though as he said.... in these cases there are no winners.


                • #9
                  William Roach discussion on Radio 2...


                  Listen from 36.30 - I thought she was spot on.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Izzy View Post

                    Listen from 36.30 - I thought she was spot on.

                    Thanks for bringing that to our attention! Finally some bloody level headed commenting on the reality of whats going on! Too right spot on, the first time ive heard the other sides argument in the media.


                    • #11
                      Christine Hamilton on Sky News 7.02.

                      Did you anyone else catch Christine Hamilton on Sky News this morning. She was asked on as a friend of William Roach and a being a person previously accused of an alleged rape (?) - she actually had the grace to say its not just celebrities who are being badly done to, that these miscarriages of justice are effecting many men and boys. She was spot on too, not just about celebrity witch hunts but the biased approach the police are taking. "believe the poor victim" without any assessment of their motivation to make the accusation is the problem here. Until this happened to my family I had NO IDEA about this, its really positive the other side is being told in the media. The information re the criminal compensation available to FAs is explained in this radio 1 clip is interesting too. Again - I consider myself pretty well informed about stuff in general but I didn't have a clue you could claim compensation if you are victim of a crime - actually in 2002 I had my mobile phone pinched whilst on a night out - does anyone know how much that's worth? (joke - no response necessary).


                      • #12
                        We are still waiting to see if the police can dig up any evidence for the CPS to decide if there is any chance of proving my son's FA's lies have any substance. My son's solicitor says if (but he thinks its when) they decide to charge him we all swing into action and starting pulling together our defence. One of the questions the police don't ask - but obviously we must is "if this rape did not happen - why would this girl be saying it did?" Well it would seem the motivations for this girl to lie far outweigh ANY reasons my son may have had to rape her - the list is endless before I had even considered financial gain. Until someone who is NOT motivated by getting their conviction stats up, or someone who finds it less troubling to believe their loved one is a victim or rape rather than the truth - i.e. an impartial group of people selected at random from the community (a jury) hears this sad and sorry story this nightmare will probably continue.

                        I don't really think this daft girl is motivated by money - it would appear that the rape allegation was a really effective way of getting attention from the "in crowd" and impressing on the online community how desirable she is. It backfired as everyone at the party knew it didn't happen and the "in crowd" gave her a hard time for her horrid allegations. But the false allegation of rape continues and escalates when she realises its a grand way of deflecting her parents disapproval of her drug/drink fuelled orgy weekend.

                        However, does anyone know at what point does an alleged victim of an alleged rape gets compensated? Does a Guilty Verdict have to be secured? Even if this ends in a NFA I suppose it may be that the system believes the FA, surely pressing charges means the police/CPS believe the rape happened, even if there is not enough evidence to secure a conviction. i.e. if an FA is motivated by a compensation pay out at what stage do they get their hands on the cash?


                        • #13
                          im the same

                          Originally posted by tigertiger View Post
                          Maybe I'm probably now hyper sensitive due to being accused but this is the last time I bother to watch UK news.

                          Is it me or is the news becoming more and more sexual allegation hysterical? It seems 70% of broadcast story's are now sexual related.


                          One thing that I find the most disturbing new trend... Seeing more and more people being interviewed by the news saying they have been abused / assaulted etc and the news broadcasting it BEFORE anyone has even been investigated by the police / judged by a court of law.

                          How is it people are allowed to throw mud via national TV for these type of allegations before anyone has even been found guilty. Non famous people such as teachers etc getting the flack on TV with these story's before investigation. It just makes no sense in 2014 a western democracy allows people to come out and sell story's to the media and it be broadcast and presented that it must be 100% true. These "victims" being hailed as brave and heroic every time but they don't actually say well of course this hasn't actually been proven to be true yet or even investigated.

                          Really makes me think where is this all heading? Just what is the media trying to achieve who are as much to blame as government and police, each fuelling the wheel of fire to turn. Its obvious with lots of high profile test cases being brought forward with little evidence to open more flood gates. But I think flood gates to what.... Perhaps lowering the barriers to get people convicted very easily on someones word alone.
                          It seems that wheel of fire will destroy anyone who dares to question its path, with famous people who speak out against it logically but get shot down in flames with quotes from Charity's saying they are despicable for suggesting such a thing. When one dares to speak against it they are ridiculed and have the spot light placed against them which is why I think there is nobody able to apply the brakes to the national hysteria for fear of being labelled by the media as a monster.

                          I guess the dark days are only just beginning, until some very very high profile people are found guilty and later proven innocent will the light begin to shine on false allegations.
                          im the since my son was accused of rape last april i cant bear to read a paper or watch the news i have even deleted facebook..the world revolves around other peoples misfortunes it seems to me now...

