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September 06 - am i too late?

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  • September 06 - am i too late?

    i was raped by some i knew back in september 2006 - i blamed myself for two years until confiding in someone 9 months ago. what are my chances of achieving anything if i report it to the police now. will they even take it any further than a statement?

  • #2
    sexual crimes can be reported at anytime after the event as long as their is a good reasons (e.g you suffered mental health problems as a result and felt unable to report it)

    for a man to be found guilty of rape (or any crime) it must be proved that he is guilty beyond reasonable doubt (i.e almost certain, or as certain as is possible). unfortunately the chances of a conviction are slim unless there were witnesses (including immediately after the rape), you went to a doctor because of injuries (anywhere that suggests force or violence), morning after pill etc. aquaintance rapes are almost impossible to prove because the rapist often claims it was consensual and unless there is evidence to suggest it wasnt (photographs of injuries or doctors noting injuries etc) then there is not much of a case. only 5% of rapes get a conviction and of these less than 30% are aquaintance rape (less than 2%).

    even with evidence it does not guarantee a conviction. the defendent can lie and make up horrible lies about you in order to discredit you.

    it is up to you whether you report it, but if you do don't expect he will be found guilty. you may find it helps you to report it, even if it doesn't result in a trial.

    what i would suggest is that you seek help. i don't know what services are available in your area but RASAC offer telephone counselling and advice about going to the police, court etc. victim support may also have information on support in your area. do you have friends/family that would support you going to police, possibly court. you also have to consider if you think there would be repercussions by him/his family/friends and if you would have to move.

    i'm telling you worse case scenarios because you need to consider if you have supportive people who would help you through it because reporting it and going to court drags everything up and is often called a second rape (and if the rapist is found not guilty it shatters all illusions that justice does prevail).

    good luck with whatever you choose to do.
    "I dreamt I went to the doctor's and she gave me eight minutes to live. I'd been sitting in the f**king waiting room half an hour." Sarah Kane (4.48 Psychosis)


    • #3
      thanks so much for your response.

      part of me thinks that reporting it is the right thing to do just to make him known to the authorities incase someone else reports something similar but i really dont want to end up in a court battle. he is the type of person that would make up lies and deny it all to protect what he's got now so i'm expecting that anyway. i've never been involved with the police for any reason and i guess i'm just nervous about thier processes.

      I havent told any family members purely becuase i'm ashamed that i let it happen to myself and dont want people to know. two of my closest friends know about it.

      Any further advice would be greatly, greatly appreciated.


      • #4
        I am still struggling as to weather I could or should go to the police about things that happened to me 9yrs ago... no one can tell you the answer, you have to go with what you feel is best for you.

        But, also taking into consideration all the possible outcomes and how you would cope with each possible outcome. It is such a hard and draining decision to make and I am so sorry you are having to face such a decision.

        I am starting to think that I should report what hapened years ago but don;t know if there is any evidence... I remember telliimg a nurse at a n e that I was being made to work and I was scared of him... I was only 16 and she said she was gonna tell my mum but I begged her not to because of what he would do and I dont jnow if that would have been recorded or not!

        let us jnow your decision and we will try and help you whatever you decide.

        Life is full of options is just choosing the right one thats hard....


        • #5
          I think the important thing to think about in cases like this is that he may be doing it again to other people. If you report him, even if the police do not charge him, the accusation will lie on his file, and if he does do it again to someone else there will be very compelling evidence that he is dangerous.

          The police are very likely to treat you with every sympathy, so please do not worry about reporting it. There will be no DNA evidence of course, but that is not typically necessary to secure a conviction. The main problem with acquaintance rape is that there is usually little physical evidence, and therefore the crux of it comes down to your word against his. Once cases get to court the conviction likelihood is actually pretty high - as much as 60%. The problem is actually getting them to court in cases where there is little or no physical evidence. This is generally a postode lottery, unfortunately.

          You must not blame yourself, but get as much support as you can. Your GP will be able to refer you to a counsellor. You have taken some very positive steps in talkig to friends about it. YOu may find that going to the police will give you some form of closure, even if they do nto proceed with the case.

          Good luck, and please do come back here.

