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False accuser of rape "Moved on"

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  • False accuser of rape "Moved on"

    Something has just popped into my mind.

    When my false accuser decided enough was enough and didn't show to a false common assault charge against me she told the prosecution solicitor she had

    She had made false accusations of rape after making up the false common assault case when she saw she could get everyone's attention, even the police.

    "Moved On!".

    Do real rape victims actually move on????

  • #2
    I would think they would try their best to do so - in the same way that those who have been FA try to.


    • #3
      no - you just learn to live with it and find your own way of coping.
      And God promised men that good and obedient wives would be found in all corners of the world. Then made the world round .... and laughed and laughed and laughed ..


      • #4
        I was raped when I was 6 - 49 years ago and it has affected my whole life and I'm now receiving counselliing from a specialist Rape Advisory service
        "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh


        • #5

          I am sorry that you went through this. I really am.

          May I just add then, what is your opinion of people who make up allegations just to get people's attention and ruin someone else's life?


          • #6
            I am sorry that you went through this. I really am
            Thank you - I have an amazing counsellor and am only just now beginning to believe a liitle bit it wasn't my fault...

            May I just add then, what is your opinion of people who make up allegations just to get people's attention and ruin someone else's life?
            Flippant though my answer may seem - it's unprintable - but that won't help you......
            My printable answer is that they probably have someting missing from their lives - Heaven knows what, I'm no psychiatrist - and use a FA to replace it. I also think they have no conscience and no morals whatsoever and would probably sell their Granny to the highest bidder!!!!!!
            "Only love can light the mirror of your soul" - Chris de Burgh


            • #7
              Something missing, very right there

              You are right, and in and odd way I enabled this to happen.

              When I had gone through, what I call 3 traumatic situations, I gave up and lost my way. I was angry at the world and made friends with a low life and someone with obvious social and personal issues. At first I felt like I was just like them, but as I recovered I couldn't believe the people I was associating with. They latched on to me by now. When I started to get better I tried to distance myself from them, they couldn't take the rejection, as they had a lot missing in their lives and serious problems.

              When I finally moved on from my bad experiences and they found I was moving away the girl got upset, self harmed herself to try and stop me from moving on.

              That didn't work so they made up these stories, based on, what was at worst, embarrassing moments when I simply let them into my life.

              In a nut shell, they had a lot missing.

              Thanks for replying by the way.

              So, I kind of got myself into the situation, but, didn't deserve this, no way.


              • #8
                Hi Jamie, Many people on here have enabled it (as most of us enable noxious situations) ... the trouble is until you get caught up with it you've no idea it's possible. Young people in particular need to be very careful who it is they're hanging out with because it takes a little while in the growing up process to realise that not everybody is made the same way you are. Very often it doesn't seem important - so long as they're enjoying each other's company or doing things together. Being discerning is not the same as being judgemental - the first one is the one that will help keep you safe. I'm sure you didn't deserve this.
                Last edited by whatsgoingon?; 27 March 2013, 10:24 PM.


                • #9

                  well put.

                  I should have known better then to get involved. But hey, done now and they walk around thinking they have a victory for creating something out of thin air.

