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I love my kids.....

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  • I love my kids.....

    They really are the only thing in my life that keeps me going. We have just come back from the park after having a game of footie and chase the dog for three hours. Dont you just love their snotty little noses and red cheeks at this time of year...haha! All snuggled up in their jumpers and coats.

    My girl is gorgeous and clever with an amazing personality and my boy is a little terror who destroys everything apart from 'pwetti fowers' that he twiddles in his fingers and then runs and jumps on the dog shouting 'ROAR'. Our poor moggie is really fed up now and mooches off everytime he goes near her, quite sweet really.

    They give me cuddles, their love is unconditional and they rely on me 100% to show them thier way through life. But sometimes I could just about lock them up in the cupboard under the stairs - lol. Especially when they get chalk and scribble on the wall, or when they trample mud through the house, or when they start whinging for material things or when they throw the biggest strop because they simply cant do something because they are too young. But they are scrumptious and would never really lock them in the cupboard under the stairs (Just in case you took me seriously - lol).

    Hmmmm I could carry on typing about them but its quite long already so will stop here!

    What do your kids do that make them so loveable or want to lock them in the cupboard under the stairs?
    Life is full of options is just choosing the right one thats hard....

  • #2
    Ha ha! Love this thread Isi!

    My kids are delightful and complete nightmares.....All at the same time.....

    Today I have had a major row with The Eldest Child...all to get him to do his homework.....Deeeep Joyyyyy....
    And heated discussions with the Smallest Child to get her to eat her tea...Tuna pasta bake, one of her favourites, which she had actually requested....

    Working from home is also a major challenge. I can be in the middle of a complex fee negotiation on the phone while my daughter sits on her potty and suddenly she shouts "Mummy, come and look at my poo!"

    My darling husband is away a lot for his job, so I am frequently the only disciplinarian in the house. At times I think they don't value all I do for them - clean clothes, meals cooked, stories told at bedtime, hugs administered, plasters applied....etc etc...but then they cuddle me and say "I love you, Mummy" and suddenly I *know* that they love me.

    And that makes it all worthwhile.

    Aww, thanks for starting this thread Isi. It's made me cry, but in a good way!


