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Not-for-broadcast documentary about false allegations

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  • Not-for-broadcast documentary about false allegations

    I am currently making a short radio documentary for academic purposes (it will not be broadcast) about the experiences of those who have been falsely accused of rape/sexual assault.

    To this end I am hoping to speak to people who have been the subject of false allegations previously and who would be able to discuss the effect this has had on their life.

    The documentary will review questions of anonymity, compensation culture, the rise in false accusations, what should happen to those that make false allegations?

    Given the highly sensitive nature of the programme, for those that are interviewed we need people whose allegation against them was admitted to be false and retracted by the accuser, and for a public record to that effect.

    I am keen to speak to anyone who has been accused/a member of your family/friend about your experiences. Conversations would be confidential and can remain off the record if necessary.

    If you have any experiences to share or would be happy to discuss the possibility of being interviewed in the future please email